Hello, I am using Paralells 5160 with Windows XP on a MacBook with US International keyboard. The keyboard layout that Windows XP uses seams to be different then my real keyboard layout. So the key ] is mapped into [, and Shift+] = } is mapped into { And so many keys are in wrong positions and some I couldn't even find at the moment! I searched all over on the Windows XP control panel but there is no place to manually set what keyboard layout I have. It seams that the driver just "guesses" what I am using and I don't have how to change it. Any ideas? thanks,
Hi, sekelsenmat use alt+123 for { alt+125 for } or use a normal localized version of Windows XP or in regedit [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\00000409] "Layout File"="KBDUS.DLL" "Layout Text"="UsracoChtoRobotaet" "Layout Display Name"="@%SystemRoot%\\system32\\input.dll,-5000" "charset"=dword:00000000
Hello, please in Windows go to 'Start' -> 'Settings' -> 'Control Panel' -> 'Keyboard' -> 'Hardware' tab and tell me what devices do you have there. Best regards, Stacey
I have one hardware in this section: Name: PC/AT Enhanced PS/2 Keyboard (101/102 key) Type: Keyboard I don't see in this dialog any way to change my keyboard to something else. thanks,
Hello, could you please answer two more questions? 1. Mac OS X: open Language->Open International window-> Input Menu and tell me what layouts you are using. 2. Windows XP: open Control Panel->Regional and Language Options->Languages->Details->Installed Services, where you can find the layout. Tell me please this layout. Best regards, Stacey
I have: * Caracter Palette - Unicode * Keyboard visualizer - Unicode * Brazilian - Keyboard - Latin * USA Extended - Keyboard - Unicode My Mac OS X is in Portuguese, so I translated those names above. The simble I see for my keyboard on the menu bar extras is a USA Flag with the U simbol under it, which refer to USA Extended keyboard layout, or USA International keyboard layout. Umm, we seam to be getting somewhere. In this screen I have: EN - English (United States) - Keyboard - US PT - Portuguese (Brazil) - Keyboard - Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT 2) Default input is set to the portuguese keyboard. One particular problem is that I'm not sure if any input layout from the MS list will correspond to the Mac International keyboard. It uses some combinations I've never seen before for a keyboard. I actually had to use the keyboard visualizer on the start because otherwise it's quite hard to figure what to press to get the correct non-ascii character. thanks,
Good, things seam to be improving. The US International keyboard layout provided on Windows resembles more closely the US International keyboard layout of the Mac Book. I identifyed 2 keys that are wrong. The top+left most key (but not ESC, rather under it) is wrong. Also the bottom+left most key (only of the key area, not FN) should input ` or ~ and is also wrong. But those are minor problems, I can live with 2 wrong keys. The really big problem is that the input method of the MacBook international keyboard for non-ascii keys does not work *at all*. To Get ł (ue, from Polish) for example, I input: alt+l release alt and press l again. For á I type: alt+e release alt and type a For é I type: alt+e / e And so on, which covers basically any possible character for a language that uses the latin alphabet. On Windows if I type Alt+E It will take me to the menu, because that is an acelerator key for the menu, and I can no longer input text. thanks,
Ah, and if the program has no menu with alt+c for example, and I press it, windows will Beep, warning me of this fact.