Abysmal network throughput under Linux and PD15

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by zslg01, Sep 10, 2019.

  1. zslg01

    zslg01 Member

    Has anyone else seen terrible (~15mb/sec) throughput for Linux VMs (Mint, Manjaro) under PD15? Doesn't seem to happen in VMWare or PD14 or VirtualBox.
  2. Alexander Haltman

    Alexander Haltman Parallels Developers

    How do you measure throughput?
  3. zslg01

    zslg01 Member

    Bytes per second as measured by a clean install of linux Mint 19.2 as it downloads the first set up software updates.
  4. Alexander Haltman

    Alexander Haltman Parallels Developers

    It is a bit complex test. When you download something from internet and store it on disk you are testing not only VM's network performance but also your internet connection performance (it could vary greatly over time) and disk performance as well.

    You can check internet connection speed with tool like speedtest.
    Or you can check speed of network between you VM and host by tool like iperf or
    simple using ssh (something like this: pv < /dev/zero | ssh 'cat > /dev/null' )
  5. zslg01

    zslg01 Member

    I understand - I spent 30+ years doing network design, maintenance, and management.
    I have also used the - "Its not us it must be the network" line :)
    I have found that real life examples are a much better test of real life issues.
    In this case I notice about a 10% difference in the time needed to pull all the updates for Linux Mint 19.2 as installed from an iso image when compared to VMware (Parallels takes longer).
    I also have Parallels Access up (available but no connections made) - could that be interference ?
    I'll run you some speed tests and ship them to you - VMware, VirtualBox, and Parallels - all on the same MacOS and same laptop.
    I'll hook up via ethernet to eliminate WiFi issues.
    Should I open a problem with Parallels?
  6. Alexander Haltman

    Alexander Haltman Parallels Developers

    Yes. If you have an issue and want we have fix it - it is better to call technical support.
    Support will ask you to collect problem report and some other details about issue and may be do remote session with you to check problem by themselves (the latter is not possible to do through the forum).
  7. JasonN5

    JasonN5 Bit poster

    Were you able to resolve this? I tried to make a similar post regarding Ubuntu 16.04 with extensive documentation of the issue, screenshots, etc. but Parallels deleted it. Similar result: if I open the disk image in VMware I get full network rate. Parallels is better in basically every other way, but this makes it hard to utilize.
  8. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Please post here the ticket number when you create it. I'd want to see some information and likely have a remote session to investigate the problem closely.
  9. zslg01

    zslg01 Member

    I gave up waiting for Parallels ... that and the fact VMware is very open on security issues and fixes for those issues - Parallels not so much. Too bad - they used to be the class of the Mac VM providers.
  10. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    > I tried to make a similar post regarding Ubuntu 16.04 with extensive documentation of the issue, screenshots, etc.
    Strange.. I never heard about deleted posts. Except of course some evident cases. Could you please reproduce the issue, then go Parallels Desktop -> Help -> Send Technical Data and post here the sent report number.
  11. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    I'd appreciate if you too could reproduce the issue, then go Parallels Desktop -> Help -> Send Technical Data and post here the sent report number.

    Forum is mostly the place where we all can exchange some expirience and find solutions.. but it doesn't guarantee anything. Support ticket is supposed to be a reliable way to handle the issues..

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