Mouse pointer way too fast with latest Parallels update 8.0.18608.898384

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by xnetdude, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. xnetdude

    xnetdude Bit poster


    I have been successfully running Windows 7 within parallels 8 on MacBook Pro retina OSX 10.8.4 for 9 months or so without any problems whatsoever.

    Just today installed the latest service update for Parallels (8.0.18608.898384) and now the Windows mouse (Microsoft Wireless Mouse 5000) pointer has gone turbo and nothing I can do will change it. None of the settings within windows nor OSX have any effect on the fast pointer speed which is now making using Windows almost impossible.

    Is there a way I can revert to the previous release (pre patch) or any other way of addressing this.


  2. YuriyM

    YuriyM Member


    please check SmartMouse option in virtual machine configuration (Configure... -> Options -> Advanced). If the option is set to <Off>, try to change it to <On> or <Auto>.
  3. graffiti

    graffiti Bit poster

    I have a similar problem. The mouse in World of Tanks has gone crazy. With smart mouse on or off and optimised for games checked its to slow and with it unchecked its crazy fast. The game is unusable now. How do I go back to the previous version?
  4. YuriyM

    YuriyM Member


    try to change Video -> Resolution option from "Best for Retina" to "Scaled"
  5. graffiti

    graffiti Bit poster

    Thanks. Its not retina but scaling made no difference. The mouse is still to slow.
  6. MichailT

    MichailT Bit poster

    I have the same problem on a normal non-retina MacBook Pro 2011 with OSX 10.8.4 and a Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse connected to the MacBook with Microsoft OSX Drivers.
    In the previous version of Parallels I had no problems with the mouse movement. Now it behaves like crazy: mouse movement gets too fast, after typing text in an application. This bug should be corrected!
    I have reverted Parallels to the previous release. I will not update until this is fixed.
  7. xnetdude

    xnetdude Bit poster


    How did you do this?

  8. MichailT

    MichailT Bit poster


    if you have the dmg file of the previous release, it's easy to revert back. You can start the installer app, say to all selection dialogs no, which ask you to install newer version, and then the previous version will be installed. You can also delete teh Parallels App before installing the older one, if you want. Simply move it to trash. ;)

    If you don't have the previous release, you can ask a Parallels Team contributor here in the forum through PM, if he can provide you a download link. ;)
  9. xnetdude

    xnetdude Bit poster

    Many thanks.
  10. ColinTP

    ColinTP Bit poster

    I have the same problem on a Macbook Pro with Retina display. Changing the Smartmouse settings has no effect. Changing the mouse speed in Windows control panel also has no effect. Can someone help with a link to the previous version please? I need to use Windows in parallels for business and this version is just not useable!!!!!
  11. JYBoudreau

    JYBoudreau Bit poster

    I have the same problem on a retina Macbook Pro. The mouse gets faster after some keyboard interactions. I can reproduce it 100% of the time by typing in a text box (i.e. Chrome's Address bar) and hitting enter. I'm reverting to an earlier build until this is fixed. Really annoying.
  12. user2342353245

    user2342353245 Bit poster

    Totally unusable. How does parallels release and obviously buggy "update", I can't use paralles, it there a way to revert?

    I installed this latest update and now my mouse skips and teleports over a certain part of the screen, no annoying!

    What testing, if any was done on this before getting the stamp of approval.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2013
  13. JulianP1

    JulianP1 Bit poster

    I agree. Totally unusable. It happens the same with version 9. Why is that they make a release without solving this problem?!?!?!?!? Does Parallels have anything to say????
  14. ColinC2

    ColinC2 Bit poster

    For posterity...
    This is an old post but I'll freshen it up because I still had this issue this week... I'm running Parallels 15 with AutoCAD 2018/2020 on Windows 10 and had this same issue. I followed YuriyM's advice (quoted below) and it fixed my "fast mouse cursor" issue, although the options now are no longer Off, On, or Auto; they're...
    • Auto-detect for Games
    • Optimize for Games
    • Don't Optimize for Games
    I changed the selection to "Don't Optimize For Games" and my mouse started behaving again in both versions of AutoCAD.

  15. ColinC2

    ColinC2 Bit poster

    Also, the location for these Mouse settings moved to Hardware > Mouse & Keyboard
  16. JustinT3

    JustinT3 Bit poster

    I am still having this issue on the latest Version when trying to run Fall Guys
  17. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, what is your Parallels Desktop and macOS version?
  18. JustinT3

    JustinT3 Bit poster

    Hi Maria, thanks for getting back. I am running on Parallels 16.0.0

    And MacOS 10.15.6
    GregoryW2 likes this.
  19. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, could you update to the latest Parallels Desktop build 16.0.1. and check the issue please?
  20. JustinT3

    JustinT3 Bit poster

    Hi Maria thanks for getting back to me. The issue is still here, I tried all the permutations of scaling and setting the mouse for gaming. Still doesnt seem to work. I also tried an external mouse with various DPI settings (Thinking it may be the Mac's trackpad) still the same issue. I can try debugging some other stuff if you guys would like me to?
    GregoryW2 likes this.

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