? + Tab Command Glitch

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Eru Ithildur, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    I found an irksome glitch, it deals with focusing on the Windows machine in coherence mode and the fact that the ? (Apple) key is equal to the Windows start menu key.

    Here is what happens: I ? + Tab to Parallels and release, the tab, and still have the ? key held down... Well low and behold, the Windows Start Menu comes up.

    Why this is a pain: I use a 15" laptop and I have lotsa windows open and when I am not using dual monitors I am bouncing back and forth between different apps, including some Windows apps in coherence mode. Even with multiple screens I use the ? + Tab to shift the window I am focusing on, but I really can't use that when the Start Menu grabs focus in Parallels can I? I can hit ? again, but that is a nuisance.

    Recommnded Solution: Have the Parallels VM machine ignore any keys that are held when focusing on the application.

    My set-up:
    Computer: MBP 15" C2D 2.33 GHz
    OS Version: 10.4.10
    Parallels Build: 5160
    Parallels Windows Mode: Coherence
    Other: I have my start menu always showing when I have a coherence app open.
  2. gegervision

    gegervision Hunter

    Can't you create a new key sequence mapping in Parallels to do what you want as a work around?
  3. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Yes, I could. But it is faster for me to just hit the command key a second time instead of doing that.

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