I am new to this. How does one install a Windows-only piece of software on a disk onto a MAC using Parallels?
Thanks! I already had the manual, and did a search for installing software, but got no hits on it. Any suggestions beyond reading the whole thing?
It's not basically different than with a physical PC. Insert the CD and when you see it on your Windows desktop, double-click on it to open it and proceed with the installation as usual. David
still not there I have Parallels installed, and the Virtual maching (XP) running, but when I put the CD in with FotoFusion (Windows only app disk) on it, nothing happens, and I can't see the disk, neither on the Windows screen nor the MAC desktop. (????)
As with so many things in the computer world, I had to restart the program, which I had assumed was actually running the virtual machine, but didn't have the Start Menu button or any of the familiar icons on a Windows desktop. Once I closed it and reopened it I went to the configuration menu and poked around a bit. I forget what setting I changed (I did change one of them, but I don't think that was what impacted the program to finally respond). What I think made a difference was actually clicking the red rectangular "On" button, which I had never done before, assuming since I was seeing a Windows desktop, the "Vitual Machine" - a term new to my computer vocabulary - was already on. Once I clicked that, on popped the actual Windows desktop, and I realized I had a functioning virtual Windows window, if you will, and then I could see the Start menu button and proceed like I would on a PC. I must say, I was impressed. It's every bit as fast as the MAC OS. Thanks again for the help.