Does the new version 14 support OpenGL 3.3?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by HellenB, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Okay, for sure you can go back to Parallels Desktop 13, but does this program works in version 13 and doesn't work in 14th?
  2. HellenB

    HellenB Junior Member

    It does not work in version 13 either, but I already had version 13 on the moment I upgrade my older version of Vasco daGama to version 11.
  3. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Okay thank you, I've reported this issue to Engineering Team, they will investigate this issue. I suggest to continue using Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac as it improves video performance for other programs anyway. But, if you want to get back to version 13 anyway, please use this download link:
  4. HellenB

    HellenB Junior Member

    I want to go back to version 13, because I don't want to spend any money until this problem is solved.
  5. ChristopheN1

    ChristopheN1 Bit poster

    Any news on parallels version 14 and running Vasco da gama version 11 (obviously an openGL 3.3 compatibility issue)?
  6. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Hi @ChristopheN1, Parallels Engineering team is currently working on this issue and the fix most likely will be included to the upcoming Parallels Desktop 14 update.
  7. HellenB

    HellenB Junior Member

    I will wait until version 14 support OpenGL 3.3. Please inform me.
  8. christopherw9

    christopherw9 Bit poster

    We are writing our own application, and when I query the openGL version with glGetString(GL_VERSION) it returns a version 2.1 NVIDIA-10.28.10 355., not 3.2?

    We are seeing issues also where the attribute stack seems to start with depth 2, and attempting to clear the stack with 2 glPopAttriv calls results in GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW errors, and subsequent corruption of display lists- On native windows machines we see the attribute stack start at depth 0. I have been seeing this under parallels 13 and now 14 which I have just updated to today (openGL version reported seems unchanged)

    I am running fullscreen on a 21:9 secondary monitor, I am about to change display memory settings... it looks a little like display memory corruption (?)

  9. HellenB

    HellenB Junior Member

    This week I installed FmwareFusion and the program I needed openGL 3.3 for worked perfect. So I not go over to parallels 14 until I'm sure it supports OpenGL 3.3
  10. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Hi @HellenB, what is the program that you are talking about?
  11. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Hi @christopherw9, not sure that I can answer you, will try to check with Engineering. Try this boot flag to force GL3: video.gl3=1
    About memory corruption, can you please give more details? What happens? Send us a tech data report via Help menu and post the report ID here please.
  12. HellenB

    HellenB Junior Member

    Dimitri, you can find the program I'm talking about in the earlier discussion of end August and beginning of September : Vasco da Gama 11 (Motion Studio's)
  13. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Oh, I see, sorry, we've released an update for Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac recently, it includes many fixes for graphics.
    • Resolves an issue with Vasco Da Gama 11.
    • Resolves an issue with SketchUp LayOut 2018.
    • Resolves an issue with SketchUp Style Builder 2018.
    • Resolves an issue with graphics artifacts in SketchUp Pro 2018.
    • Resolves an issue with not being able to activate FusionPro VDP Creator 9.
    • Resolves an issue with not being able to activate MATLAB.
    • Resolves an issue with the Apple DEP (Device Enrollment Program) not working in a macOS virtual machine.
    • Resolves an issue with GUI problems in Ableton Live.
    • Resolves an issue with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
    • Resolves an issue with the Shadows: Awakening game showing a purple screen instead of the main menu.
    • Resolves an issue with the blurry icon in Microsoft Teams.
    Download the update here. Make sure to update Parallels Tools in Windows virtual machine. Let me know how it goes.
  14. NicoH1

    NicoH1 Bit poster

    Hi there, I need to update the Parallels 14 works with OPENGL 3.3.

    I use CYPECAD 2019.e and I can't use it. Please fix it and add this program !
    MiguelR3 likes this.
  15. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Parallels Desktop does not support OpenGL 3.3. You can share the application you want to be supported in this thread.
  16. Aihuaa

    Aihuaa Bit poster

    Hi Dimtrey
    I am a bit confused

    you say MacOS does not support OpenGL

    But apple say:
    My needs or plans:
    I plan to buy a new mac: either the macMini 2018, Intel UHD Graphics 630
    or the iMac 2019 with Radeon Pro 580X or maybe the Radeon Pro Vega 48
    for both the most powerful multi core selection

    as I buy new machines the Operating system will be 10.14 Mojave

    I would like to use Parallels Desktop and run Siemens Solid Edge 2019

    Does anybody know if this can run and how? I know it will run with Bootcamp but I need Solid Edge and my other things like email and manymany more at the same time as I work with Solid edge.
    the new machines are not cheap at all...that is why I better check in advance.
  17. TerryS6

    TerryS6 Bit poster

    I've got the same problem. Couldn't find anything on the internet. It would be great if someone shares their experience with this setup. I don't want to spend money and realize it doesn't work as intended :)
  18. Aihuaa

    Aihuaa Bit poster

    Hi Terry
    in the meantime I am a bit more clever
    when you google for "Graphics_Certification_Table_2019-04-03_tcm53-59075.xls" then you shold find this file from Siemens
    iMac and Mac Pro are there in the list but with Silver support only.
    the support of eGPU für Windows from Bootcamp side is still unclear and sure the Grafic is not optimal for Solid Edge.
    I also will NOT spend money for the new iMAc and later find out it not makes me happy
    As I need intensive grafic only for Solid Edge and no other things at all, I decided today to upgrad my MacBook Pro 2010 with a Mac mini 2018 (becasue Apple do not have reliable books any more) and as a 2nd Machine buy a i7 or maybe i9 with a Nvidia quadro 2000 (I never ever will have more than maybe 100 parts). and I mount 2 SSD in RAID mirror then also can at least double the reading speed of SATA SSDs.
    this is the cheapest and most sure version I think.
    the Mac I need, becasue Windows make me sick :-(
    TerryS6 likes this.

    RAILITYL Member

    So far I can see the highest is 3.2 but not fully implemented.
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
  20. TerryS6

    TerryS6 Bit poster

    Thanks for the detailed reply. This is a bit more than I expected to spend but it really seems like the cheapest option

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