Mac host file system corruption during shrinking of PD13 Win10 VM

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by RHS, May 3, 2018.

  1. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    David - I'm sorry to hear that. It looks like nothing has changed. I believe I have a process that allows me to shrink the VM without destroying the file system. I'll repeat: 1) CLOSE ALL OTHER APPLICATIONS; don't just close the window, shut them ALL down; 2) Reboot the iMac host machine just to be sure; 3) Run one more Time Machine backup; 4) TURN OFF AUTOMATIC TIME MACHINE BACKUPS; 5) Launch PD control center and begin shrinking the VM; 6) WALK AWAY!! Don't do anything. DO NOT plug in your iPhone or iTunes will start! It's best to do all this then go to bed for the night. I have a lot of free space to shrink sometimes. I've seen it take 8-9 HOURS to shrink that much of the VM file. Hopefully it will finish by the next morning. It's a pain but I've had to wipe my file system and do a complete Time Machine restore about 6 times now. It think it's a conflict between PD and all that Mohave "purgeable space".
  2. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    I had approximately 150GB of space to reclaim. I started around MIDNIGHT.
    It's 3P.M.
    FIFTEEN HOURS and it is not finished.
    Do you think it's hung again?
    I haven't touched it.
  3. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    Strange, I swear I logged in via my iPhone to make another entry to this thread. It's not here. Why you ask? Because I was RESTORING MY ENTIRE SYSTEM once again because reclaiming disk space has CORRUPTED my file system ONCE AGAIN. This time I didn't touch the iMac at all. I think maybe it was because I woke up the Apple TV downstairs. Maybe it tried to communicate with the Mac and that did it? I have no idea. I give up. I think I have enough evidence to conclude that variable sized VM's and APFS are NOT COMPATIBLE at all. You've been warned.
  4. diamondsoftware

    diamondsoftware Bit poster

    Hi from Belgium,
    I confirm, I 've 3 mac ,1 imac in HighSIerra MAcOS (HFS+) and 2 laptops in Mojave/APFS .. Same problem , The Virtual machine on the 2 laptops (APFS) can't be reclaim without crashing/Freeze after hours of reclaim process ??!! but on the iMAc, no problem. Also the size of the virtual machine HD increase very fast on the 2 laptop (APFS). If I copy one Virtual machine form the Laptop (APFS) to the Imac and reclaim the HD space on the iMAc , everything works fine. So 99% sure there is a problem with APFS and Parallels...
  5. diamondsoftware

    diamondsoftware Bit poster

    Hi from Belgium,
    As wrote on another thread, I confirm that there is a problem with APFS + Parallels, I 've 3 mac ,1 imac in HighSIerra MAcOS (HFS+) and 2 laptops in Mojave/APFS .. Same problem , The Virtual machine on the 2 laptops (APFS) can't be reclaim without crashing/Freeze after hours of reclaim process ??!! but on the iMAc, no problem. Also the size of the virtual machine HD increase very fast on the 2 laptop (APFS). If I copy one Virtual machine form the Laptop (APFS) to the Imac and reclaim the HD space on the iMAc , everything works fine. So 99% sure there is a problem with APFS and Parallels...
  6. DavidA4

    DavidA4 Hunter

    I've had to rebuild my macOS operating system (fairly easy to do) since my severe crash due to Parallels trying to save disk-space. I still get messages from Parallels asking me if I want to save disk-space. I don't dare click that button. I DO NOT want to go through that again. In fact, if anyone knows how to turn that message off I'd be appreciative. I wouldn't want to accidentally start that process and destroy my operating system again.
  7. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    I did everything as described before.
    This time I turned off Wi-Fi.
    >12 hours and still sitting there spinning.
  8. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    Nope. It's corrupted again. It just hangs there and never finishes. I don't know why I keep punishing myself with this.
  9. diamondsoftware

    diamondsoftware Bit poster

    Hi from Belgium,
    it's annoying.. No answer from Parallels.. :(
    It's a very important problem, virtual machine size growing fast and no easy solution to do a good 'reclaim' function.
    The only solution I 've now is to copy the virtual machine on my old imac who run in MaxOS HighSierra and HFS+ , run parallels on it (Hopefully I've More than one Parallels licence) and then to the remain on it, After copy again the virtual machine on the original place.
    Even using a SSD external disk (Samung T5 in USBC) for the transfer it's Long et not easy.... :mad: because I also need to make another backup of the virtual machine before. My virtual machine is huge even without the remain lost place: 400Go (I use few windows programming langages and many huge client projects who take a lot of place (1 up to 10 go each)
    Hope Parallels will give us new.... :rolleyes:
  10. DrKarl

    DrKarl Member

    PD 14 here with Win 10 64 bit VM running Mojave with APFS on iMac Pro SSD. Same thing just happened to me...and found this thread. My Mac froze while PD 14 was trying to shrink the VM disk ... which always worked in prior releases of PD with prior versions of MacOS. Multiple times. Corrupted startup SSD. In recovery mode, my boot volume gives the "fsroot tree is invalid" message / "volume ... could not be verified completely". In this particular case, the error was an invalid file extent. My numbers won't match anyone else's of course, but the difference is big: logical address 47840518144 (expected 46275489792).

    Hoping some of the original tips in this thread will help me clean something that lets Disk Utility repair the SSD. Will try booting from an external High Sierra clone to see if it will let me shrink the Win 10 vm.

    Did Parallels ever test their software on APFS volumes?!

    PS Could not get SSD to repair. May have to do reformat / restore when I have time. :-(

    But - Booting from a High Sierra clone that I made before the Mojave upgrade (clone SSD formatted as HFS+), the same Win 10 VM that caused PD 14 to lock up my iMac Pro when running on my APFS boot volume was shrunk by PD 14 in a matter of seconds. So, is it APFS and PD? Or Mojave and PD? PD 14.1.3 (build 45485) on 10.14.3 is where the total system hang happened.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2019
  11. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    Greetings DrKarl! You will have to restore your Mac from Time Machine. I tried using Disk Utility to repair and it fails every time. Your Mac sounds just like mine. Mojave with APFS on SSD. This has been going on since PD13. My clunky 12 year old Mac had no issues at all shrinking the VM. It was when I replaced everything with this new Mac that I discovered this serious bug. I think it's a conflict between Mojave's "purgeable" space and the actual free space. If you look at disk doctor and then look at "about my mac", storage, the amount of actual free space can be quite different.
    Right now, "about my mac" says there is 207 GB "available". Disk utility says I have 29 GB free and 186 "purgeable". I'm thinking PD shrinking routine is stomping all over that purgeable space corrupting everything. I could be wrong.
  12. DrKarl

    DrKarl Member

    Thanks for all of the info you've posted here, RHS! Since it sounds like you also have an iMac Pro with SSD... do you also have a bug that I reported that causes two Win 10 VM icons to appear in the doc when starting the VM? Clicking the second causes it to just go away and the remaining icon is actually the VM. Parallels support could not reproduce, and it doesn't happen on my wife's Mojave iMac (that is HFS+) - only on my APFS iMac Pro...which has all of the symptoms with shrinking the VM that we both mentioned.

    The fact that booting my system with a High Sierra clone on an HFS+ volume allowed me to instantly shrink my VM really makes me feel the issue is something Parallels is doing with APFS...

    Yes... I'm getting different numbers from "About My Mac" and Disk Utility as well: 1.34 TB free for About My Mac and 1.21 TB free shown in Disk Utility. I only see "purgeable" listed if I do a Get Info on the boot volume from Finder... which shows 94.55 GB as purgeable.
  13. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    Hmmmm...Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac 14.1.3 (45485) update just showed up today. Absolutely no release notes. Coincidence? A fix? I'm afraid to try!
  14. DrKarl

    DrKarl Member

    I've had that for a week or so ... it is the version I gave in my report above. So, no, it doesn't address this APFS issue.
  15. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    I have upgraded to PD15 Pro running on Mac Catalina. Has anyone else upgraded these two? If so, have anyone of you attempted to reclaim disk space?
    Any advice or info would be much appreciated.
  16. JanA3

    JanA3 Junior Member

    From Belgium also...
    AAARGHHHH... I have a nervous breakdown

    Monday 28th of November: with PD 15, macOS Mojave pvm is windows 8.1.

    Try to reclaim 24 GB (looked nice!) ... and then... everything what I was reading here. STUCK STUCK BROKE DOWN...
    Now my time machine doesn't want to take "snapshots" anymore.

    Wish I knew all this....

    VM corrupt... restore from Time machine... then tried it again... corrupted again and not able anymore to restore because I can find it back in time machine.
    I can enter the pvm windows however but after 5 min it freezes... and then it is even hard to shut down the Mac

    I just found a copy of the vm of august (3 months ago) on a extern disk (usb). Better then nothing now I think and hope?
    Is it an option to delete the corrupted file pvm and to copy and paste this one?
    or how can I change my corrupt pvm in this copy I once took?

    Do I have to do anything else... delete those snapshot things on my Mac as described... because the "EHBO" on the Mac notices my something wrong with the snapshot 3 etc...

    Advice is welcome.

    Ik wish I had knew/hear you sooner RHS. I think you are totally right!!
    Could You give affirmation that I just can past my old pvm file instead of the one that is now corrupt(fails 5 m after opening)
  17. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    This stinks.
    I never use time machine for backing up the VM.
    It's a separate backup.
    I would attempt to reclaim disk space, the Mac host would hang; after a hard reboot, the APFS file system is corrupted, as well as the VM.
    I had to restore the OS from time machine, then manually copy the VM from backup.
    It seems Parallels has given up trying to fix this. This has been going on for some time now.
  18. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    It's been quite a while. I'm now running the latest PD15 on Mac Catalina. Has anyone tried shrinking their VM file lately? Does it work? I'm afraid to try to be honest.
  19. JanA3

    JanA3 Junior Member

    stay far far far far away from reclaiming disk space... unless you have a good backup and a lot of time and steal nerves!
    DavidA4 likes this.
  20. diamondsoftware

    diamondsoftware Bit poster

    I've not tried yet, but I will try soon... You can do yourself but before do a copy of your virtual machine on a external disk (Suggest a SSD external to be faste). With a backup you have no risk expect lot of time lose with the time of copy ,time of reclaiming disk space, and then if it not works, copy back the virtual machine.

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