sitting between two chairs....

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by ManfredG1, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. ManfredG1

    ManfredG1 Junior Member

    I am using Parallels Desktop 12.2.1 (41615).
    Are there known problems with parallels swallowing letters like @ ?

    I am planning to use PaintShop Pro 2019. Unfortunatley I can not register PaintShop. The application wants me to register by my email adresse. But the login mask does not accept any @ ! (neither by the keyboard nor by copy and paste).
    Corel tells me that it is a problem of Parallels ( I told them that its a problem of Corel..).
    And Parallels (you ;-) will probably advise me now to upgrade to the current most updated version. I am a bit in trouble to buy an upgrade to finally probably notice that the problem still exists.
    Any experiences known with a problem lile this - between Corel Paintshop Pro 2019 and Parallels ??
  2. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hi ManfredG1,
    Let us know the keyboard model, language and layout you are using to check the issue.
  3. ManfredG1

    ManfredG1 Junior Member

    Hi all,
    I am using iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013, Processor 3,1 GHz Intel Core i7
    wireless keyboard, Germany, Magic Keyboard, Tastatur
    Hope this helps.

    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
  4. ManfredG1

    ManfredG1 Junior Member

    Here it is:

    APPLE KEYBOARD D065-C1H8 Apple WL Kybd+User's Guide-D
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
  5. Please start the virtual machine, select Actions (from the Mac menu bar) -> Configure -> Hardware -> Keyboard & Mouse and toggle the keyboard options between 'Optimize' and 'Don't Optimize for games'. Then check whether the @ symbol is working in any one of the options.
  6. ManfredG1

    ManfredG1 Junior Member

    I will try it soon. Please note that I only have trouble with the swallowed "@" with Corel Paint Shop. This problem does not occure with any other application. Only this app does swallop the "@". - That's why I was telling Corel that it is their problem, not yours. I will let you know.
  7. Hemnath@Parallels

    Hemnath@Parallels Parallels Support

    Sure. Keep us posted.
    Ok, noted. Thanks for the info.
  8. ManfredG1

    ManfredG1 Junior Member

    Unfortunately I have to give up. Corel PaintShop Pro does not install on both win7 virtual machines I have running. I tried it on two different machines. One win7 system is my productive system. The other one is my backup system.

    It is clear for me that Corel has a compatibilty problem with parallels vm. The scenario reminds me very much of times when applications failed sometimes due to incompatibilty (that was the time from XP /Vista /Win7 switches).

    In such cases I never knew who the owner of the problem was.
    From my points of view it's Corel to find the bug or whatever.

    Unfortunately I can not go on. Corel is not interested. They say it's a problem of parallels.
  9. AJ@Parallels


    Hello ManfredG1, Kindly follow the instructions from this link < > and check if it helps.
  10. ManfredG1

    ManfredG1 Junior Member

    Dear all,
    The problem still exists.
    Meanwhile I upgrade parallels to version 15 (from version 12). I toggled according -> Configure -> Hardware -> Keyboard & Mouse and toggle the keyboard options between 'Optimize' and 'Don't Optimize for games' - no success
    I am sure, that the problem is caused by Corel. But Corel does not understand the problem.
    I really wonder, that it seems as I am the only one with this problem. Especially Corel seems not to have interest in me buying their product.

    Again: I start PaintShop Pro 2020. A login asks me to login. I type my email adress [email protected] - but the login mask does not accept @
    Even when I do a copy [email protected] followed by a paste: the @ disappears!

    really strange - I mean: it's not a Problem from parallels.
    I should address it again to Corel. But the simple state that their App is compatibel to Windows 10. This is how Corel works with this product issue.

    friendly regards,
  11. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello Manfred,
    I just went through other forums and article and didn't find any information about this issue
    May be Corel Support will help you with it. BTW could you please share any results/ news/updates/your workaround of this issue here?
    Thank you for your cooperation.
  12. ManfredG1

    ManfredG1 Junior Member

    Support told me:
    Unfortunately we do not offer support for Windows products that were installed on Mac, even if they were installed via Paralells Desktop.
    The reason for this is that boot camp systems with Windows are not purely Windows systems.
    This does mean for me that there does not exist an installed Corels base with the product PhotoShop on Mac.
  13. Hans-JuergenA

    Hans-JuergenA Bit poster

    Same problem here with Parallels Desktop V15 and PAintShop Pro 2020. No way to register because of the problem around the @-sign. I can input it without any problem in the Windows environment (using notepad e.g.), but not inside the registering box. Moreover there is no way around copy & paste either.
    Resulting from that I can't use PaintShop at all!
  14. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    You try to use Windows On-Screen keyboard and enter the @ symbol in the application screen.
  15. Hans-JuergenA

    Hans-JuergenA Bit poster

    I tried this, but in vain. The input fueld accepts any character, but not the @-sign. It's a mess.
  16. Hans-JuergenA

    Hans-JuergenA Bit poster

    Both products (Corel Paintshop Pro 2020 and Parallels Desktop V15 for Mac) are part of the Corel family. I got regular licenses for the software. What can I do to fulfill the registration process (obviously programmed by Corel, otherwise I could easily fill in my mail address by keyboard or via copy & paste). Without this proprietary registration process I cannot use my legal software.
    I need an efficient work around for this step.
  17. Hans-JuergenA

    Hans-JuergenA Bit poster

    Both software products (PaintShop Pro 2020 and Parallels Desktop V15 for Mac) are part of the Corel family. I got legal licenses for the software. What can I do to just pass through the registration process, which obviously is proprietary code of the PaintShop software. Otherwise it would be possible to fill in or just copy & paste the @-sign into the input field for the mandatory email address. Without registration the software cannot be used, it is an essential step.
    I need an efficient work around for this problem caused by Corel.
  18. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

  19. Hans-JuergenA

    Hans-JuergenA Bit poster

    I did, but I'm sure that PaintShop would work without any problem in the virtual machine. It only fails because the Parallels intermedia layer doesn't pass the specific @-character to the input field during registration - and only there! I repeat once more, outside this box the character is handled correctly. So, in my mind it can only be solved Corel internally (PaintShop and Parallels). Users like me or ManfredG1 are dependent on support, because normal tools (for ordinary Windows and/or Parallels problems) are not enough. The major problem lies deeper as I was trying to point out.
  20. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Thank you for your reply. Could you collect the tech report data once the issue reproduced please? And post the report's ID here.
    Also is it possible to make a short video of the issue and share it with us.

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