Upgraded to 12, get "Unable to connect to Mac '%1'" message

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by BenP2, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. ChrisH15

    ChrisH15 Bit poster

    Hello, I have this same error message while trying to activate Parallels 13. I checked the proxy settings and they match your picture, and I have tried two different networks. What else can I do?
    YukiH1 likes this.
  2. YukiH1

    YukiH1 Bit poster

    I have the same issue.
    It looks the SSL certificate is expired yesterday (JST). And it was reported on twitter. And it looks solved partially. Now I can visit https://account.parallels.com and can see certificate isn't expired. However I'm still facing this problem.
    I tried different way by using console like below.
    prlsrvctl web-portal signin [email protected]
    the return was like this
    Unable to connect to the Mac "%1". The SSL authentication failed. Try to connect to this Mac again.
  3. TerryF2

    TerryF2 Bit poster

    Yup me too, I have this same error message while trying to activate Parallels 13. I checked the proxy settings and they match your picture, and I have tried two different networks.
  4. Pbryanw

    Pbryanw Junior Member

    @ChrisH15 - I've just had this issue. I tried everything I could think of - reinstalling, trying over wifi, checking clocks were in sync. In the end, it turned out Little Snitch was the problem for me - I uninstalled it, and was able to activate Parallels successfully (previously I had logged out of my Parallels Account when I had the initial "Unable to connect to Mac %1" error, but couldn't activate again).

    @YukiH1 - Edit: Ignore above, have just read your post. Wonder if the failed SSL certificate was tripping up Little Snitch and that's why uninstalling it worked for me. Or, it just resolved itself on Parallels end, with the certificate being updated.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
  5. FedericoD1

    FedericoD1 Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem: The SSL authentication failed. Try to connect to this Mac again. What should I do in order to resolve my problem?
  6. RussW1

    RussW1 Bit poster

    I am getting the same message. I have tried different internet connections. The sudo commands outlined above and opened up a trouble ticket. Pretty bad that I just dropped $80 and can't use this product. Wish I would have paid closer attention before purchasing.
  7. JoshF1

    JoshF1 Bit poster

    Same issue on my end.
  8. JordanA1

    JordanA1 Bit poster

    Having the same issues here on 13, Parallels support did confirm to me yesterday that they were experiencing issues their end with the account portal. Although the issue is now different is it fair to assume they are still having troubles and its not our end?
  9. MarkF10

    MarkF10 Bit poster

    I have just installed Parallels 13 on macOS 10.13.4 today and am experiencing the same SSL error, cannot activate the software.

    Attached Files:

  10. MarcelloR

    MarcelloR Member

    Same problem here (same message). I moved PDesktop 13 Business to a new Mac (from my old Mac) and I cannot register the license.
    Yesterday, in the evening, I got a lot of problems trying to access/login to my Parallels account via web (many errors from Cloudfare).
    Right now I'm unable to activate my license.
  11. MarkF10

    MarkF10 Bit poster

    It just worked for me.
  12. MarcelloR

    MarcelloR Member

    Today I tried once again the registration and it worked for me too.
    I'm going to think there were some kind of problem on the Parallels side.
  13. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We are glad to hear that the issue is resolved. Let us know if you need further assistance.
  14. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Yes, the issue with Parallels Account portal is resolved. Feel free to reach out to us anytime for support.

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