High CPU usage after installation of Parallels 13 on High Sierra

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by SureshS1, Oct 3, 2017.

  1. SureshS1

    SureshS1 Bit poster

    Hi there,

    I have been using Parallels for years with no issues, but recently when I moved to High Sierra and upgraded to Parallels 13, I noticed that my Windows 7 VM uses 100% of my CPU to run even when it is sitting idle. The prl_disp_service seems to be pegging my CPU, which is pretty bizarre. Does anyone else have this problem? Perhaps this might be a configuration issue? Any help appreciated.

  2. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

  3. SureshS1

    SureshS1 Bit poster

    Thanks the suggestion. The reason I reported this is my Windows 7 Guest OS is using almost no CPU, but my Mac is showing 400% CPU usage for prl_disp_service. I checked again by following your steps and I confirmed that it is not my Guest OS that is causing this. But the CPU usage only spikes if I run the Windows 7 VM. Any other suggestions you can make would be helpful.
  4. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

  5. SureshS1

    SureshS1 Bit poster

    Hi there, I tried that and I don't see any change in the CPU usage. Any other suggestions? Thank you.
  6. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    If you have any antivirus installed in Windows virtual machine or on your Mac, please disable it and see if this helps. Thanks!
  7. SureshS1

    SureshS1 Bit poster

    I don't have antivirus running on either macOS or windows.
  8. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Please reproduce the issue and generate a problem report id and keep us posted. To know how to take a problem report id, please refer this article Thanks!
  9. SureshS1

    SureshS1 Bit poster

    I have submitted the report and the ID is 216547699. Let me know if you have any other solutions.
  10. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Thank you for that information. We have sent you an email. Please check your email for further information. Thanks!
  11. TimothyL3

    TimothyL3 Bit poster

    I have the same problem, could you provide solution that parallels sent you ?
  12. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hello TimothyL3, please reproduce the scenario wherein the resolution limit is shown, generate a Problem Report ID http://kb.parallels.com/9058 while the said scenario is being displayed (very important) and reply with the same. We'll then investigate.Thanks!
  13. ArneL

    ArneL Bit poster

    Same problem here. Just installed Parallels 13 on my brand new MacBook Pro (2018 with 6‑Core Intel Core i7, High Sierra) and the CPU usage on my mac for the virtual machine usually varies between 50%-200%. It never goes below 40%, which is a lot compared to other CPU hungry apps like Logic I use from time to time. I have a Win10 Pro version installed, before that I had the same Win10 Pro version running on my MacBook Pro (late 2013) and the performance was much better. I only use standard software like Office & SAP on my virtual machine, nothing really CPU-consuming.

    I've already tried the usual provided workarounds without success. A technical report has been sent too and hope to get this solved soon.
  14. ArneL

    ArneL Bit poster

    I've tried now KB 116263, with a new test vm the performance seems to be much better. But when I try (as described in KB 116263) to switch with the test vm to the HD of my original vm, I get the following errors: 'Unable to connect to Hard Disk 1' & 'There is no operating system installed in this virtual machine'

    I've tried already KB 116508, KB 123150 & KB113617
    Any more solutions to get this solved?

    BTW: If you select KB 116263 in German (as I did), there is a detailed solution description, if you switch to EN the description is much less detailed and is missing a lot of information. The last review date ist identical (Aug. 23rd 2017).
  15. Svejo

    Svejo Junior Member

    That post is quite interesting. I will keep following it for sure
  16. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @ArneL, are you able to mount the virtual machine using Parallels Mounter? Can you please send us a problem report collected right after the error message (Help menu > Send Technical Data...)? This will help us significantly, please reply me back with the report ID number.
  17. ArneL

    ArneL Bit poster

    Hi Paul, thank you for your support.
    I've tried to start the Test VM via the Parallels Mounter, but unfortunately this does not work either.
    I've generated now an technical report for both of my VMs.
    VM Original (with the performance issues): 269964734
    VM Test (which cannot be mounted): 269965661
  18. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @ArneL, please take a Snapshot and then follow the instructions mentioned below:
    *Reinstall Parallels power plan:
    • Uninstall Parallels Tools:
    • Click Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features (Add or Remove programs in Windows XP).
    • Locate Parallels Tools and click Uninstall.
    • Reboot virtual machine.
    * Delete Parallels power plan:
    • Open Power Options by clicking Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Power Options.
    • Make a different plan the active plan, e.g. Power Saver.
    • Under Parallels plan, click Change plan settings.
    • On the Change settings for the plan: Parallels page, click Delete this plan.
    • When prompted, click OK.
    Restart virtual machine and install Parallels Tools.
  19. ArneL

    ArneL Bit poster

    Hi Paul

    thank you for this instruction.
    I have now uninstalled Parallels Tools and deleted Parallels power plan and re-installed Parallels Tools - unfortunately without success.
    The CPU usage is exactly the same as before.

    Maybe you have another solution for the problem that I cannot mount the Test VM I've created (according to KB 116263 in German) with the HDD of my original VM. The CPU usage of the Test VM seems to be better, but I somehow cannot switch to the "Windows 10-0.hdd" of my original VM.
    As I said I've tried already KB 116508, KB 123150 & KB 113617

    Many thanks
  20. ArneL

    ArneL Bit poster

    Ok, I have migrated my VM now to Fusion10 just for test purpose and strangely everything works fine.
    I really don't know what exactly was the problem with the VM in Parallels, but I will leave as it is now.
    As I said, on my old MacBook Pro (late 2013) everything was fine, the problems came with the new Parallels installation on the MacBook Pro 2018.

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