interesting, thanks.
here's my results when testing with the groovy repository.
I actually chose a different subset for comparison, as the runtimes of the complete build were really lengthy.
Could you please also post your command line you used for testing?
here's my test run with jdk8 and performance metrics.
I actually ran
./gradlew clean dist
once to download all deps once, so I can use --offline in subsequent test runs.
export JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_172"
./gradlew --no-build-cache --no-daemon --offline clean :groovy-console:classes
the process took around 5 minutes to complete.
export JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1"
./gradlew --no-build-cache --no-daemon --offline clean :groovy-console:classes
when running with jdk10 the process was still running after 15 minutes. CPU is idle most of the time.
PS. with the second performance graph I failed to stop in time before it rolled over, just to clarify so the first seconds are missing / overwritten.
so it seems this issue is not i/o related at all.