Coherence mode greyed out for Ubuntu 16.04.3

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by Obi-Wan, Feb 26, 2018.

  1. Obi-Wan

    Obi-Wan Junior Member


    Is there a way to activate Coherence mode for Ubuntu 16.04.3 (guest) on macOS 10.12.6 (host)? When I click the red Parallels icon in the menu bar, then go to View, Enter Coherence is greyed out. I noticed a few times when logging into Ubuntu, there was a notification message about Parallels tools (though I don't remember exactly what it said, and it seems to have temporarily disappeared now). I also notice when first logging in, that the app icons for 2 Parallels programs are visible (though 1 has a question mark). I assume the first step is to reinstall the tools. How can I reinstall the tools on my Ubuntu VM? Thanks!
  2. Obi-Wan

    Obi-Wan Junior Member

    I reinstalled Parallels Tools by clicking the menubar icon and then selecting Actions ---> Reinstall Parallels Tools. Unfortunately, the option to enter coherence mode is still greyed out. Any ideas?
  3. Obi-Wan

    Obi-Wan Junior Member

    Update: I clicked the disc icon that shows up as one of the icons in the VM menu, and mounted pr-tools-lin.iso. Then ran sudo ./install in the directory where the virtual DVD for Parallels tools is mounted. After restarting and logging in, I get a notification that says I may need to log out to use coherence. I logged out of Ubuntu and logged back in, but the coherence menu is still grey :(.
  4. StephaneV

    StephaneV Bit poster

    Just to had that i've noticed today that i have the same problem, ran the "reinstall parallel tool" rebooted the vm, still no Coherence. It's sad because i was demonstrating parallel to a co-worker.
  5. PaulR2

    PaulR2 Bit poster

    You may need to change window managers for Ubuntu. When you login click the cog icon to see which managers are available(others can be installed by googling and running a few apt commands in terminal) . I think Gnome works best but Xorg also works and possibly Wayland (not tested). Unity (the default window manager for ubuntu 16) does not work with coherence.
  6. StephaneV

    StephaneV Bit poster

    Unity used to work it the past, I know Ubuntu is dropping unity to gnome in future release, didn't know it was also affecting it's support from Parallel

    Thanks for the information
  7. StephaneV

    StephaneV Bit poster

    Just tested creating a new vm with 16.04 and one parallel tool installed on it, coherence work fine. So i guess it's something else that not supporting unity.
  8. PaulR2

    PaulR2 Bit poster

    Unity does not work on Ubuntu 17.10 but Xorg did - could be versions of unity.
  9. StephaneV

    StephaneV Bit poster

    I don't know if you noticed but me and obi-wan only mentioned 16.04 I know that Unity is being dropped but was still central to 16.04 and it used to work with parallel, just wondered why it's not working as well recently.
  10. aliz3

    aliz3 Bit poster


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