Regular crashing after upgrading to Desktop 13 and High Sierra

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by PhilipF4, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. PhilipF4

    PhilipF4 Bit poster

    I'm getting a regular, once or twice a day, crash where the the Windows screen stops responding and panels and buttons flicker colour and transparency. I can't quit applications or navigate anything so have to do a hard reset.

    I have not changed my VM configuration, just upgraded Mac OS from Sierra to High Sierra and Parallels Desktop for Mac from v12 to v13. I'm using Sage payroll software and Office (Excel, Outlook etc) generally when this happens.

    Please can somebody help?
  2. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Best Answer
    Guys, in case of any crashes we need technical data reports from you to diagnose the issue.
    Please send it via Help menu > Send Technical Data and port the report ID along with your use case. Thank you!
  3. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @PhilipF4 , just to confirm, is your Mac crashing or your Windows virtual machine is crashing?
  4. PhilipF4

    PhilipF4 Bit poster

  5. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @PhilipF4 , please clear the temp files on your Windows virtual machine and perform clean boot and check if that helps.
  6. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Hi, please send us a technical report via Help > Send Technical Data...
    Post the report ID here.
  7. JimW6

    JimW6 Bit poster

    Same thing has been happening to me multiple times in the past week
  8. TirthankarB

    TirthankarB Junior Member

    Even me too facing the same issue
  9. MichaelB45

    MichaelB45 Bit poster

    Having similar issue, but both windows and IOS crashes. But if I run windows in safe mode, it works no crash?
  10. ScottS19

    ScottS19 Bit poster

    The last few weeks I have been having similar issues. Windows 7 locks up, and Mac locks up. I have to hold power button down to reboot computer. Any solutions yet?
  11. Machappy

    Machappy Bit poster

    Same here. This is driving me crazy.
  12. StuartD1

    StuartD1 Junior Member

    same... (osx fine, windows VM frozen..) this is a fair kick to the workflow...
  13. TanyaS1

    TanyaS1 Bit poster

    I'm experiencing exactly the same issues. Has anyone managed to solve it yet?
  14. JamesH12

    JamesH12 Bit poster

    I'm having a similar problem, but it takes down the whole MacOS... It's been happening to me a lot the last week or so, and I'm pretty sure it's Parallels because everything was working fine this morning for an hour before I opened Parallels... I run Visual Studio there for work, so it's really problematic.
  15. sf10

    sf10 Bit poster

    Same issue for me after upgrading to parallels 13. just started today even though I upgraded last week. VM stops responding and then crashes. Windows apps stay active for a while but then stop responding. Osx and mac apps are fine. Parallels 13.3.2 + osx 10.12.6 + windows7. Just tried allocating more RAM to the VM (from 2gb to 5gb of 16gb) so we'll see if that helps. nothing else really to tune in parallels. this is really annoying.
    !!!Found a sol'n from Parallels tech support: Go to Apple logo > System Preferences > Energy Saver, then turn OFF the 'Automatic graphics switching' checkbox.!!!
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2018
  16. ChrisK9

    ChrisK9 Bit poster

    I've been having problems like this for months. I've read all the optimization posts for VMs, etc. It has crashed so hard that it basically destroyed Windows 10 vm and I had to reinstall Windows. I kept thinking it was graphics, but hardware testing the mac always came up perfect. Trying the above solution about graphics switching. I really hope that is it.
  17. sf10

    sf10 Bit poster

    I'm very sorry to say that the graphics switching 'fix' worked for only a short time for me. Then, the crashing started again. I have tried literally everything and now I've given up and abandoned Parallels. This after many years of Parallels working perfectly for me. Sad.
  18. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Best Answer
    Guys, in case of any crashes we need technical data reports from you to diagnose the issue.
    Please send it via Help menu > Send Technical Data and port the report ID along with your use case. Thank you!
  19. sf10

    sf10 Bit poster

    FWIW, I sent multiple (~20 crash reports) and also had a chat session with technical support and exchanged multiple emails. No permanent resolution was found. The only thing I wouldn't do was allow tech support remote access to my machine to dig around themselves. That's a non-starter for me.
  20. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Thank you, all reports belong to Parallels Desktop 13, but you have a subscription, can you please install Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac (download link) and check?
  21. ChrisK9

    ChrisK9 Bit poster

    Seems my VM is stable now. I also found that my some of my mac power settings reverted. I know the laptop will lock up if you have hard drives go to sleep, etc.

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