Windows 10 may not boot after installing Сreators Update

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Danil@Parallels, Apr 6, 2017.

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  1. LotharG

    LotharG Bit poster

    Hi Paul,
    no, it was a very "normal" bootcamp partition of windows, the only one I ever had. However, I was using Windows through a virtual machine (parallels 13.2) only. When the problem occurred after the windows 1709 update, the win-partition was not even mounted in the Mac system. I could not even press the "activate" key in Macs diskmanager. To dig further into this I used a win10 usb drive to boot the computer (the boot manager recognized the bootable drive..). A blue win10 service screen was shown with options "repair" and "install" windows 10. I tried all the repair options but none of them worked. In the windows command/console window I called the chkdsk (check disk) function. This function reported a major problem in some file allocation table (master boot record kind of thing I suppose) that could not be repaired. At this point I gave up and removed the entire bootcamp partition and I am now using Windows in the VM only (which I did anyway). So, to me it looked like a Windows problem because the windows update appears to have damaged the windows file allocation table.. By the way, I was using the VM when this bad windows update was processed. Eventually I should have done the update in the real bootcamp. But I all the updates before were just working when done in the VM....
  2. ThorstenK5

    ThorstenK5 Bit poster

    Hi at all. I'm having the same problems. Windows 10 stopped working in bootscreen after the latest Creators Update. After the Windows Logo disapears, I can only watch the black screen and the circle running around but nothing happens for hours. I've tried to repair Windows with a boot CD, tried different Recovery Suites but had no positive results. Very sad, because I need windows for work very urgend. What I've done next is import the broken VM in WM Ware Fusion to mount it with parallels vmdk mounter. There I'm able to get access to (hopefully) all the files I need to build up a new WM and copy/paste them. That seems to work for now but I hope I get all files copied to build up my SQL Database to the latest release...
    Please make shure to start a workaround when the support team has found a solution. Best regards and thanx a lot.
  3. GrahamS3

    GrahamS3 Bit poster

    I am having problems running Windows 10 v1709 installed in the Boot Camp partition in a virtual machine on my iMac.

    Systems stats:

    Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac Pro Edition (Version 13.2.0 (43213)).
    Late-2015 iMac 27", 4GHz i7, 16GB RAM, Radeon R9M395X 4GB, and a 3 TB fusion drive, macOS version 10.13.2.

    I freshly created a Boot Camp partition and installed Windows 10 v1511 on it using macOS's Boot Camp Assistant app. Then, running Windows natively from the Boot Camp partition, I let the Windows auto-updater upgrade to Windows 10 v1709. Windows runs with no problems natively from the Boot Camp partition directly. Then I created a virtual machine in Parallels Desktop that uses the Boot Camp partition using default virtual machine settings. When I try to run the virtual machine, Parallels displays an error message in the virtual machine's window:

    "There is no operating system installed in this virtual machine."

    I have inserted an image of the error message in this post. I have also inserted an image of the text that is hidden under the error message.

    I deleted the virtual machine and recreated it many times to see if this would solve the problem. But each time, Parallels displays the same error message. I had a similar problem on a new MacBook Pro 15" (2017, 1TB), but deleting the virtual machine and recreating it solved the problem. Now, Parallels successfully runs Windows 10 v1709 using the Boot Camp partition on the MacBook Pro.

    Does anyone have a method for getting Parallels to successful execute Windows 10 v1709 after a problem like this?

    Attached Files:

  4. BrianS12

    BrianS12 Bit poster

    So I was having a similar issue. I had an old Boot Camp installation that broke, so I blew away that partition and started fresh. When I opened Parallels the "My Boot Camp" came up right away, and it would throw these errors that you're seeing. I wanted to start fresh, so I would close that window (getting back to the main Parallels application), then hit File->New, but the option to select Boot Camp wouldn't show (and trying to do it via Manual Config wouldn't work either). BUT, I contacted customer support and they helped. When the My Boot Camp page comes up with the big play button, right-click in that window and hit "Remove". A screen immediately popped up to setup a new Boot Camp. Clicked through, waited 5-10ish minutes for it to run through the install, and voila, Boot Camp is now fully functional.
  5. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We are glad the issue is resolved. Feel free to reach out.
  6. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hi GrahamS3,
    Update Parallels Desktop 13 to the latest build and create a new Bootcamp based virtual machine then check.
  7. GrahamS3

    GrahamS3 Bit poster

    Hello Ajith,

    Excellent! I just updated Parallels Desktop 13 to build 43321 and created a new virtual machine for the Boot Camp partition. The problem is now fixed. Now Parallels is able identify the OS in the Boot Camp partition and execute Windows 10 v1709 in a virtual machine from within the macOS host.

    Thank you for your help,
  8. TirthankarB

    TirthankarB Junior Member

    Even I am also facing the same issue. Following the thread
  9. krism2

    krism2 Bit poster

    I was facing this issue and my laptop needs a restart as I just installed but it was not rebooting then I searched on google and ended up being here, Thanks for the solution.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2018
  10. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    If you need further assistance, let us know.
  11. ivahost

    ivahost Member

    For the black screen after logging in I have found that pressing control-alt-delete and opening taskmanager and then use detailed view (if not already selected) then select file -> run new task and enter explorer.exe in the dialogbox that opens.
  12. shikers

    shikers Bit poster

    Are you using old, hidden or recovery partition for that BootCamp?
  13. mindsparktechnologies

    mindsparktechnologies Bit poster

    Windows updates might not be installed on your system after you shut down your computer. This behavior occurs when the Fast Startup feature is enabled. This behavior doesn't occur when you restart your computer.
  14. aostva

    aostva Bit poster

    Windows 10 is not booting for me on my pc as well after the instalation of the sreators update, can somebody please help me fix it with any app.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2019
  15. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, please provide us with more details. Did you get any error/warning? Also the tech report will be helpful. Please create it right after the isseu reproduced and post the report's ID here.
  16. maryamm

    maryamm Bit poster

    This is the same problem which I encountered few days back and I will suggest you to roll back to previous version of window Personally this is the trick which my friend told me about but this not worked in my case another way is that I select "Enable nested virtualization" in the advanced CPU & Memory settings and that solved my problem. Go with both these two steps I hope any of these two step may work for you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2019
  17. JacquesJ

    JacquesJ Bit poster

    If i were you,i wouldn't make any updates.
  18. Tommyw2

    Tommyw2 Bit poster

    Have Parallels 12.2.2 installed. Installed Windows Creators update. Booting starts, but after logging on to Windows, the home windows screen stays black and the home windows computing device is now not shown.
  19. ImSeeker

    ImSeeker Member

    My Parallels 15 Windows 10 now will not boot - you get the startup bit, then it looks like it is starting up, then black screen, with cursor.
    Was running fine yesterday, 7/4/2020, then the snapshots were taking forever. I deleted a snapshot by hand (since it wasn't deleting it on its own), then let it go overnight, since that was also taking a long time. During the night, it said windows 10 updates were occurring. Parallels was frozen this morning, saying the snapshot was deleted, but on top of a black screen. Rebooting it with a hard reset led to my current situation.

    Is there a comprehensive article on how to diagnose this issue? Doing a google search yields very old techniques with older versions - even this thread, best I can tell is about an issue from last fall.

    Thanks for any help, or even just pointers to something I can walk through to diagnose.
  20. ImSeeker

    ImSeeker Member

    re last message: I am using Parallels 15 Pro, so my impression is I have more capability to diagnose. Also, supposed to have direct support?
    I haven't had problems in a long time, so if anyone can point me to where I can figure out those capabilities or get support, that would also be helpful.
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