Need trial version of PD 13 to work

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by RobertG4, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. RobertG4

    RobertG4 Bit poster

    I have PD v11. I need to use MacOS Server in order to set up a VPN server. I have to do this within an install off MacOS High Sierra. I am running MacOS Sierra as the host OS. I do not want to install High Sierra natively on my PC because some apps are not compatible with the new MacOS. So I need High Sierra to run inside of a VM. If I take this approach, I will need to upgrade to v13 of Parallels Desktop. VMs do not run as efficiently as native apps would on the host PC. Use of a VPN server will further degrade performance. Due to these issues, I want to know if the running of the MacOS Server from within a VM of Parallels Desktop 13 will perform we'll enough for my uses. I tried to install and activate the 14 day trial version of Parallels Desktop 13. It will not activate for me. I end up with the message: "The email address you entered is already registered. Make sure that you typed your email address correctly or sign in using your registered account.". I am already logged into my account. This is far as I have been able to get.

    What is causing this to happen? Is the trial period no longer available to me? Is it still possible for me to test out this configuration with a copy of PD v13 before my actual purchase? If I find that this approach using Parallels will work for me, I will be subscribing to Parallels Desktop Pro 13.

    Thank you.
    Christian8 likes this.
  2. MitchC

    MitchC Bit poster

    I'm having the exact same issue in regards to using the trial. It keeps telling me that my email is already registered and to log in. I was logged into my new account. Seems like a bug for sure. Hopefully there is a fix? I'm very interested in buying parallels, but I definitely want to try it out first and see if it works for my workflow over using bootcamp. Please help us! :) thanks

    Attached Files:

  3. HaeJooJ

    HaeJooJ Bit poster

    same here. i really need the trial one work...please help
  4. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi , we have an ongoing issue on our end in trial activation and it has been already notified to the concerned team and we are working on it. Meanwhile you can try signing out and signing in from Parallels Desktop for Mac application and check if that helps.
  5. ClaudiaD1

    ClaudiaD1 Bit poster

    Same problem here. I've tried with two different existing Parallels accounts. and also created a new account. Have signed out/signed in several times. All attempts were w/o success
  6. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

    Hello @ClaudiaD1, can you please sign out and sign in to Parallels Desktop application now and let us know if it works. Thanks
  7. MitchC

    MitchC Bit poster

    After trying again today, it looks like it put me in trial-mode. Thanks!
  8. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

    Great! glad to know it is working.
  9. ClaudiaD1

    ClaudiaD1 Bit poster

    It worked, thanks.
  10. TeresaD

    TeresaD Bit poster

    Hi. I am also struggling to activate a trial version of Parallels 13. It keeps taking to me to my account to sign in even though I am already signed in and it doesn't come up with an activation page as the website suggests it should? How can I proceed - its very frustrating!
  11. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

  12. TeresaD

    TeresaD Bit poster

    I've already tried following these steps. First of all I am told to check my internet connection or follow the link. I follow the link and log into my account but the activation window does not come up and there is no option for activating a trial version?
  13. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

    Can you please share a screenshot so that we can check and assist you.
  14. TeresaD

    TeresaD Bit poster

    When I open the software and I get an initial window with a 'play' botton. When I click on this the log in window opens (attached). When I enter my details I get the 'internet connection problem' window (attached) where I then follow the link to my account.

    Attached Files:

  15. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

  16. TeresaD

    TeresaD Bit poster

    No, still doesn't work. Proxies are not enabled on my computer and there is no output in terminal as shown. I will try and access parallels from another computer or find access to a pc to use the software I need instead.
  17. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @TeresaD , please try uninstalling and reinstalling Parallels Desktop for Mac and check if that works.

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