Hi, are few days that the VM doesn't start..... a error (PRL_ERR_DISK_OPERATION:NOT_ALLOWED) appear and the VM run (or try to load or try to recorery a previos image) for also 8 hours... No OS update are done... Can you suggest me how recovery the system? Thanks a lot
Hello @roberto.franchi , please click on the Ok button and then share a screenshot of the error that you get so that we can check and assist you. Thanks
The first error was "avvio di windows" (starting windows)... after more trys, with also 6-8 hours of waiting, I tryed to use a previous image and now this is the error (preparazione del ripristino automatico =preparation of authomatic recovery). MAY BE A SPACE PROBLEM? I can expand the partition...I remember more than 100 gigabyte free on VM). Best regards
Windows virtual machine seems to be corrupted. Please follow the steps provided at http://kb.parallels.com/120845 to repair Windows 10 and check if it works. Thanks
I've seen the instruction... just a problem.. VM doesn't start... May I reinstall Parallels saving the virtual machine? If is corrupted the VM may I start it in safe mode?
I create image every week.. this is backup for you? Joint I'll attach the screenshot with error that appear when I launch the VM (errore parallel.png) ... If I try to use a previuos image this is the error (error 2 .png) The problem may be conncect to update? Can I try to reinstall Palleles 13? I have another VF on other PC... in the worst case I can - reinstall Parallel - copy the VM on new installation? Best regards
Hi @roberto.franchi , do you have a copy of the .pvm file (Windows virtual machine) backed up in any external hard disk or any other sources?
Do you have a solution? Can I copy a VM from other computer and then change the windows code? For the future I'll do backup of the VM Thanks
Hello... Can you said me if there is a a way to recovery the VM? May I try to duplicate other VM on this notebook and change account and windows code? The data are all in MAC environment, so I haven't loss of informations... Can sai me something?,