Hi all, I'm having issues getting Windows 10 to see my connected wireless gamepad. I've tested both a Dualshock 3 and 4. Both connect wirelessly and work great within Mac OS. However, Windows 10 doesn't see them. Can anyone explain the exact steps in order to make this work? I do have Share Bluetooth with Windows enabled and am using Parallels 13. Thanks in advance
Hi James, you can try using DS4Windows driver http://ds4windows.com/ to make Dualshock controller to work in Windows VM, however we cannot guarantee a stability in this case. The process is: 1. Disconnect the controller from Mac 2. Make sure that Shared Bluetooth option is ON (VM config > Hardware > USB & Bluetooth > Share Bluetooth devices with Windows) 3. In Windows go to system settings > bluetooth & other devices > look for a new device 4. On the controller press and host PS and Share buttons for 4-5 seconds until the light blinks on the controller 5. Install DS4Windows 6. In devices & printers Windows menu open preferences of the Wireless Controller > Services > enable service for 'drivers for keyboard, mice, etc' 7. Open DS4Windows > search for the controller PS controllers indeed work with macOS out of the box, but as they are being shared with Windows (when connected to built-in Mac Bluetooth controller) via our Shared Bluetooth feature + they don't have a native Windows driver, it's tough to guarantee 100% stability in connection. Alternatively, try a 3rd-party USB Bluetooth dongle - connect it directly to Windows VM, pair DS4 controller with Windows and use DS4Windows to make them work. P.S. Xbox 360 or Xbox One controllers work much better via Shared Bluetooth with Windows VM as they have native Windows 10 drivers, which does not require to emulate a xbox 360 controller (which DS4Windows does for DS4 controller).
Thanks Dmitry. I still can't get any Bluetooth controller to be recognized within Parallels. Just to confirm, you're saying it should NOT be connected to Mac OS at first? I'm supposed to launch the Windows 10 VM then use Windows Bluetooth stack to connect the controller? If so, I have tried that. Windows Bluetooth shows the device connected but it does not recognize it as a game controller. If you check Game Controller settings it's empty...
Hello, I have the same issue, but im using Xbox one controller wireless. It connects to mac fine, and in parallels it finds the Xbox controller and gets connected for maybe 10-15 sec, and than it swiches between connected/paried and after 10 more sec it gets disconnected. Im using win 10 updated version. When connected to usb it works fine but not on Bluetooth. Any suggestions?
I'm having the same issues with an Xbox one controller even though you said it would work better. It's connected to Mac via Bluetooth. It comes up as Bluetooth device in windows but not as a controller. I configured it to share Bluetooth. When I go into settings though to add a Bluetooth device to parallels the plus sign is grayed out (even though windows is shut down) and I can't do anything. Can anyone help? I'm using parallels 14 and windows 10
I'm having the same issues - any updates from support? It will only connect as a "mouse, keyboard, & pen" device for me, so Windows doesn't recognize it as an Xbox controller. Has anyone been able to get this to work?