Hi, In order to use Windows 10 screen projection, you must be connected via a Wifi connection. Is this possible from within a P-VM? If not, how difficult would it be to convert a P-VM to a Bootcamp partition - or is there a way of natively booting a P-VM? Cheers M
Hello @MattO3 Parallels Support Here! We would request you to connect the virtual machine to Bridge Network. When this networking mode is used, your virtual machine's network card establishes a direct connection with your Mac computer's network card using a technology called "bridging." A virtual machine appears as a separate physical computer that belongs to the same subnet as the Mac it is running on. Please refer to this article http://kb.parallels.com/4948 and check it helps. Thanks, Shathish
Hi Shantish, Thanks for your response. Is there a way of disabling the bridged network connection and allowing Parallels to access the Wifi card, as it were a standard non-networked Windows machine? When a bridged / ethernet connection is connected in Windows 10, the Project Screen feature is unavailable. I need access to the Wifi as it were a standard Windows machine, without a bridged connection. Cheers M