Cannot install tools Parallels desktop 13 on high Sierra 10.13.1 MacOS VM

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DavidK25, Dec 5, 2017.

  1. DavidK25

    DavidK25 Bit poster

    I would like to install a parallels Mac OS virtual machine under a high Sierra 10.13.1 host machine.
    After several attempts to install or reinstall parallels tool, the icon of a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark remains after rebooting the VM.

    As a result the copy and paste from the host machine to virtual machine and vice versa is not possible. MP3 audio files played on the virtual machine (high Sierra) cannot be heard.

    If there is no solution is it possible to downgrade and return to Mavericks and parallels 10?

    I have recently upgraded my MacBook Pro (core I7 with 16 GB RAM) from Mavericks to high Sierra 10.13.1.

    Later Parallels desktop for Mac was upgraded from version 10 to 13

    I am only novice level Mac OS but have more experience with Windows and Linux operating systems, so it is highly likely that I have made an error.

    Previously in Mavericks Mac OS the parallels desktop software worked well.

    I've looked in several Internet forums but still have not found a solution although most of the examples I have seen so far are about installing Windows virtual machines.

    Previous Ubuntu VMs created under Mavericks and parallels 10 allow copy and paste from virtual to host machines when running parallels 13.
    Previous Mac OS VMs created under Mavericks and parallels 10 require conversion and parallel tools to be reinstalled in parallels 13.

    I hope someone can let me know what I'm doing wrong.
  2. SamiR1

    SamiR1 Bit poster

    I have the same problem, Parallels Tools won't install. High Sierra 10.13.1 (17B1003) / Parallels Desktop 13.2.0 (43213).
  3. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hello SamiR1, please let us know the virtual machine that you are using and the version of it. Thanks!
  4. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hello DavidK25, to install Parallels Tools in Mac OS X guest OS, please follow as suggested below:
    1.Start the virtual machine, and log in to the guest OS.
    2.When the guest OS boots up, connect and mount the Parallels Tools ISO image file by choosing the Install Parallels Tools option from the Virtual Machine menu.
    Note: If the Install Parallels Tools option is greyed out, make sure that Parallels Tools support your guest operating system. To view the list of guest OSs which are supported by Parallels Tools, refer to Parallels Tools Availability.
    3.Open the mounted image of the disk and double-click the Guest OS Tools For Mac OS X icon to start the installation.
    4.In the Welcome window, click Continue.
    5.In the Select, a Destination window, specify the location for Parallels Tools. Click Continue.
    6.In the Standard Install on "Macintosh HD" window, if you need to set a different location for Parallels Tools, you can do it by clicking Change Install Location. Click 7.Install to continue the installation. Type the password when prompted.
    8.In the Installation window, you can see the process of Parallels Tools being installed on your virtual machine.
    9.When the installation is complete, click Restart to exit the assistant your restart you virtual machine and see if this works. Thanks!
  5. SamiR1

    SamiR1 Bit poster

    My guest OS is Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 1703 (OS Build 15063.726).
  6. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @SamiR1 , please follow the steps suggested in the article and let us know if that helps.
  7. Zacky

    Zacky Bit poster

    I get a prompt that the Parallels Tools are successfully installed but it is not. I have tried it on many attempts.
    My guest OS is OSX 10.11 and I have a Windows 10 VM and a High Sierra VM. It is the High Sierra VM that is having this problem with the Parallels Tools installation issue. Thanks
  8. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Please reproduce the scenario wherein the resolution limit is shown, generate a Problem Report ID while the said scenario is being displayed (very important) and reply with the same. We'll then investigate.Thanks!
  9. WalterA1

    WalterA1 Bit poster

    I have the same issue as SheeKeenY1 using High Sierra as the Host and Guest OS on Parallels Desktop 13 Pro. What did Meena mean when asking to "reproduce the scenario wherein the resolution limit is shown, generate a Problem Report ID while the said scenario is being displayed (very important) and reply with the same."? The issue is infinitely reproducible on my system. Please let us know. Thanks!
  10. WalterA1

    WalterA1 Bit poster

    Problem Report ID: 236201776

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