VM on Bootcamp partition fails: EFI message

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by GuidoG1, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. GuidoG1

    GuidoG1 Bit poster

    Parallel Desktop fails to create VM of Windows 10 (1703) in the BootCamp partition of my Mac. I receive the EFI error showed in the enclosed screenshot.
    I used the instructions of the article 122735 (Unable to start Virtual Machine - EFI Boot) but I do not find the "Use EFI Boot" option (look at the enclosed screenshot). Please Help me.

    Attached Files:

  2. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hello GuidoG1, please let us know the version of Parallels Desktop for Mac you are using? Thanks!
  3. GuidoG1

    GuidoG1 Bit poster

    version 13.1.1
  4. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @GuidoG1, please follow the steps mentioned below to fix the issue:
    1. Go to virtual machines list, find your converted machine and right-click it. Select 'Show in Finder'.
    2. In the newly opened Finder window, right-click the .pvm file and select 'Show package contents'
    3. In the newly opened folder, find 'config.pvs' file. Copy it to the Desktop (as a measure of backup).
    4. Edit the original 'config.pvs' (using TextEdit), find this line: '1' (no quotes).
    5. Change it to '0' (no quotes). Save the file.
  5. GuidoG1

    GuidoG1 Bit poster

    there are a lot of lines containing '1' (no quotes), which one?
  6. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi guidoG1, please reproduce the issue and collect a fresh Problem Report:
    1. Control-click/tap using two fingers on Parallels Desktop icon in Dock > Help > Send Technical Data.
    2. Wait for the Problem Report to be generated.
    3. On the appeared Problem Report window please write a short problem description (scenario) and enter your contact information (name and email address) - then click Send Report.
    4. Reply us back with 9-digit Problem Report ID.
  7. GuidoG1

    GuidoG1 Bit poster

    I did it. ID 223088677
  8. AndreasR3

    AndreasR3 Bit poster

    Got the same Problem. Any Solution? My ID: 223122269
  9. GuidoG1

    GuidoG1 Bit poster

    Please, I did not have any solution for my problem. I need to utilize Parallel Desktop on my BootCamp partition!
  10. GuidoG1

    GuidoG1 Bit poster

    Here is the screenshot of the failed process to start BootCamp partition Schermata 2017-11-11 alle 10.57.49.png
  11. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @AndreasR3, this issue might have occurred due to the Partition boundaries are not recognized correctly on the disk. File system may or may not be damaged.
    To fix the issue, please follow the steps provided mentioned below:

    1. Check Windows hard disk for errors as described in this article.
    2. Start Parallels Desktop without starting you Boot Camp based virtual machine.
    3. In the menu bar choose Actions > Configure > Hardware > Boot Order > Advanced Settings and in Boot flags insert:
    4. Now choose Hard Disk > Edit Partitions > EFI partition should be added.
  12. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @GuidoG1, please reproduce the issue and collect a fresh Problem Report:
    1. Control-click/tap using two fingers on Parallels Desktop icon in Dock > Help > Send Technical Data.
    2. Wait for the Problem Report to be generated.
    3. On the appeared Problem Report window please write a short problem description (scenario) and enter your contact information (name and email address) - then click Send Report.
    4. Reply us back with 9-digit Problem Report ID.
  13. Hemnath@Parallels

    Hemnath@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi all. Article 122735 has been updated. Please follow this article now to resolve the issue.
  14. AndreasR3

    AndreasR3 Bit poster

    After reinstalling BootCamp and trying to start it in Parallels I still got the same message. Trying your Article shows me the screen attached to this entry. So still no success. New ID this time: 226015034

    Attached Files:

  15. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @AndreasR3,
    1. Make sure that your virtual machine is turned off.
    2. In the list of virtual machines, select the one you want.
    3. Right-click> VM's Configuration > Hardware> Boot Order> Uncheck "Use EFI Download"
    4. Start the virtual machine.
  16. AndreasR3

    AndreasR3 Bit poster

    Ive seen this "Uncheck Use EFI Download" somewhere bevor and tried it, but its not there actually. There is no checkbox. Still stuck with the same message like in my last post.
  17. TimothyK1

    TimothyK1 Bit poster

    Switch to VMWare Fusion 10, works great with bootcamp and as a vm. I'm still having issues trying to get bootcamp up and running again with Parallels 13.2. Sick of this b.s.
  18. Takuro

    Takuro Bit poster

    Not to bash Parallels support, but geeze. Posting something like 10 completely different series of steps for "solutions", some of them incredibly vague (there was never an answer to what the heck "search for a 1" meant in one of the suggestions, I assume it means to toggle some random boolean value, of which the config file probably has tons of, yet that subject just got dropped entirely) and some of them referencing using options that don't even exist in the UI. Sounds like an attempt to support a product you don't actually use yourself? Or bad feedback from a dev working behind the scenes who is extremely out of touch with how the actual customer-facing release software works and behaves.

    What a mess Parallels 13 has become. Not worth it.
  19. AndreasR3

    AndreasR3 Bit poster

    Another new install of Windows 10. And still the same message. Any new suggestions?
  20. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @AndreasR3, the report ID shows that you are not using the latest build of Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac. we released a new update Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac Update 2 Hotfix 1(13.2.0-43213) and this update addresses this issue. To check for updates, click on the Parallels Desktop menu on Mac menu bar and select Check for Updates: http://kb.parallels.com/124262

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