Waking mac from sleep when running parallels takes a long time

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by bab5139, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. bab5139

    bab5139 Member

    I have a late 2016 mac pro (loaded). When I wake my mac from sleep with a virtual machine running, wake takes 5-10 seconds before the screen wakes. When I am not running parallels it wakes immediately. Has anyone else seen this?
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @bab5139, Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac is optimizes to wake your Mac from sleep with a Windows virtual machine running. Please try the trial copy of version 13 if you haven't used it yet.
  3. bab5139

    bab5139 Member

    I am running 13.1.1 (43120)
  4. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

    Hello @bab5139 Since when you have been facing this issue? After update the Parallels Desktop? Did you face this issue in the previosu version of Parallels Desktop? Or this is the first time you are using the Parallels Desktop? And also, we would request you to refer this link http://kb.parallels.com/121578 and check it helps.
  5. bab5139

    bab5139 Member

    I've been using parallels for about 6 years. I have only run into this problem with the new mac book pro parallel versions 11, 12 & 13.
  6. bab5139

    bab5139 Member

    Sometimes when i wake the mac the virtual machine is paused as well though this hasn't happened lately. I did not pause the virtual it before sleeping my mac and I don't have any type of power settings in parallels that would cause this to happen. I am wondering if the delay parallels waking the virtual machine. Does parallels do this? Does power nap have any effect on virtual machines?
  7. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    I think the amount of memory of the virtual machine has affect on it. As usual a virtual machine has 2 or more gigabytes assigned to it. That memory is used for emulation and guest programs. Them Mac goes to sleep, then this memory swaps to the disk (wired or used memory in guest) and on resume Mac reads it back. Thant is why it takes time. And that time depend or how many memory are used by guest at that moment.
  8. EthanS2

    EthanS2 Bit poster

    I face the same issue using 14.0.0 (45124). It takes approximately 1 minute for my mac to wake from sleep when I have an active or suspended Windows 10 VM running on the system. I initially thought it was an Apple issue but after several hours working with senior technical advisors at Apple we narrowed it down to the following:
    $ pmset -g logs | grep 'CMacPowerHelper'
    2018-09-09 12:59:37 -0400 PM Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [CMacPowerHelper timed out(27994 ms)]

    This log line does not show when parallels is not running while the system is put to sleep.

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