PD12 Messes Up Multiple Monitors

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MobyR, Aug 20, 2016.


    LARWORLD Bit poster

    Yup. Another user here just waiting for my PD11 to no longer be supported and them switching over to VM Ware.
  2. TomW6

    TomW6 Junior Member

    Another using waiting for proper multi-monitor support. If Parallels is so passionate about native fullscreen, they need to be riding Apple as hard as they possibly can to fix their flawed fullscreen implementation. Until then, surely Parallels can't consider native full screen a proper solution of any kind; it's a gimmick for computers with single monitors. Apple's native fullscreen just doesn't work with multiple monitors, and yet that's what Parallels decides to adopt exclusively. It boggles the mind.
  3. SreechandraD

    SreechandraD Member

    I started a new thread with PD13 in the title as well as a poll asking whether this is cause enough for you to switch to other VM software.

    This PD12 thread may not grab their attention as much as one about their new baby.
    MarkK7 likes this.
  4. MattJ2

    MattJ2 Member

    So everyone reading this won't have to search for it- here is the link to that one.
    MarkK7 likes this.
  5. DonP

    DonP Bit poster

    Just got the Parallels 13 email. Immediately came here to see if a miracle had occurred.

    Apparently not.

    Glad I read before spending money on yet another broken release!
  6. RuiH

    RuiH Bit poster

    PD13 doesn't work as well. Fullscreen on 2 monitors gives you 3 Spaces: 1 for you Mac, 1 for your "left" Windows monitor with a "right" black screen, and 1 for your "right" Windows with a "left" black screen.

    Workaround (if you don't need blazing fast graphics):
    Enable Remote Desktop, remote into your Windows VM using the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the App Store, enter fullscreen and voilá! Flawless fullscreen behavior, exactly how we want. Kinda weird to remote into your own VM, but hey, it just works.
  7. AdamR4

    AdamR4 Bit poster

    Same problem here! This is not the first Multi Monitor screw up - It's getting tiring!
    I've reported as above and can confirm it's a Thunderbolt connection.
    ASAP fix requested please.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2017
  8. TomW6

    TomW6 Junior Member

    This is what I'm about to try I think. Why is it that every other such application, including VMware Fusion, VirtualBox, Microsoft Remote Desktop, etc, have no problem doing fullscreen across multiple monitors in what for all intents and purposes appears like native fullscreen, yet Parallels cries it's not possible without unreasonable caveats and drawbacks. It beggars belief.
  9. TomW6

    TomW6 Junior Member

    MarkK7 likes this.
  10. TomW6

    TomW6 Junior Member

  11. Bobsson

    Bobsson Bit poster

    Direct link to the feature suggestion: https://forum.parallels.com/threads/usable-multi-monitor-support.341832/ You can vote on it from that page with the "Like" button.


    I'm another user who upgraded to PD 12, encountered this behavior, and downgraded (back to PD 10 in my case). I did request (and receive) a refund, and I pointed to this thread as part of my feedback. Obviously, they didn't listen when it came to making PD 13...
  12. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Please send us a screenshot of it to assist you further.
  13. ChristopherB6

    ChristopherB6 Bit poster

    I opened a ticket for this with version 12 and support acted like they never seen this issue. I showed them a video and photos where I had to switch spaces 3 times to see a bit of each "Windows" desktop, each time. Does support really not know what this issue looks like?
  14. JanVis

    JanVis Junior Member

    Tried VMware Fusion 8.5 for a while. Everything was working great. Then came VMware Fusion 10. Same issue! Maybe Apple is pushing companies to use the Apple fullscreen API, because that is the culprit. A fullscreen like window without borders would also work but I guess they don't want to implement this because it's hacky.
  15. StefanW6

    StefanW6 Member

    Very sad news about VMware screwing this up as well. There goes years of perfect productivity with my iMac/Win dual setup down the drain because Either these companies believe the crap Apple calls "fullscreen" is actually usable or they let Apple dictate how to program their apps. Who cares if the borderless full screen window is "hacky" or "not optimized for games". WHO PLAYS GAMES ON A VM anyway ???
    I'm currently wasting time I don't have to try and find a new, workable setup for my business. I might end up having to ditch the wooden piling my concrete house is built on. THE MAC!!
    I know, uproar... going back to a plain Windows PC, install VMware Desktop there for some other VM tasks and just say goodbye to Parallels and the whole attempt to switch some tasks to a Mac. I guess I should be able to work on two screens then. It's just always hard to change what used to be a perfectly working setup!

    Here's the current (High Sierra) Mac OS running latest Parallels with a Win7 VM in single monitor fullscreen. Watch and be amazed what happens when you plug in a USB drive. The effort it takes to get to the USB dialog !!!!!!!
  16. JanVis

    JanVis Junior Member

    Well if you think you won't have problems using Windows....[​IMG]
  17. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Best Answer
    Hi guys, I am happy to let you know that we were able to improve multi-monitor support in the new Parallels Desktop 14 version (see updates summary).

    With Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac installed simply disable 'Displays have separate spaces' > make sure that 'Use All Displays in Full Screen' is enabled (VM's menu bar > View) > enter Full Screen mode and you will be able to swipe between all displays at once. See how it works.

    We also did a bunch of improvements to multi-monitor support and overall product performance. Will be happy to hear your feedback.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
    AbdielJ likes this.
  18. MattJ2

    MattJ2 Member

    If you could provide a video demonstrating version 14 doing what we all want it to do, I'm sure people would be more likely to give it a try.

    I rolled back to using 12 or 11 (can't even remember at this point) just to have the functionality and won't upgrade until I know this is fixed.

    *fingers crossed*
  19. StefanW6

    StefanW6 Member

    I wonder if it will actually allow us to do what we all want to do. Run Mac OS full screen on one monitor and the VM full screen on another. Not full screen VM on all monitors.
  20. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Absolutely, here's the link.

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