5160 Update causing problems with bridged ethernet network

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by [email protected], Sep 18, 2007.

  1. simeonrw@mac.com

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Hello. I had a bridged ethernet connection for windows 2003 and an xp machine on the previous build, but it seems that the new build causes issues with the connection. I have to start both machines over to make it connect but if I try to add a third xp machine to the network the whole thing comes down and im unable to reconnect. If theres a fix or way around this please help. Thank you!
  2. gegervision

    gegervision Hunter

    I got it resolved by going to a command prompt in my Guest OS and doing an ipconfig /release and then ipconfig /renew

    Works for me everytime I have this issue.

    If that doesn't work for you check: http://kb.parallels.com/entry/38/394/0/
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2007
  3. simeonrw@mac.com

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Ive tried all those things. Im trying to set up a virtual lab with server 2003 and windows xp. I cant get those two machines to connect through bridged ethernet. I cant ping the machines, and when I do get a connection, I lose it. To get over the problem ive removed the microsoft firewall from both machines, but this shouldnt be an issue. 5160 is very buggy when it comes to bridged ethernet connections.
  4. gegervision

    gegervision Hunter

    I'm running a Server 2003 with my XP Pro joined to the domain without any issues using Bridged Networking. What do you have as the DNS server in your workstation IP settings? I'll assume the IP address of your 2003 server. Am I correct?

    You may want to uninstall Parallels Tools. Reboot your VM, then reinstall Tools.

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