High Sierra - Beta 4 - Parallels no longer functions

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by AnthonyM10, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. AnthonyM10

    AnthonyM10 Bit poster

    Installed Beta 4 this afternoon on a test machine. Parallels is not functioning.

    Error message comes up stating:

    To run virtual machines, please allow the Parallels components to load on your MAC.

    Open the MacOS System Preferences, Security & Privacy, General and click Allow next to eh phrase about "Parallels, Inc.". Then restart Parallels desktop from the /Application folder.

    What happens next?

    No message appears in the General Tab to click. Closing and opening the application does not help. There is not update avialable to Parallels to fix.

    Anyone else having this issue?
  2. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

    Hello AnthonyM10, Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac does not officially support High Sierra that has been made available as a beta yet. We are closely working with Apple on providing official support for High Sierra. We recommend you to wait for an update of Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac that will be available with High Sierra. Subscribe to http://kb.parallels.com/en/123948 to know when a new update is available.As you mentioned, it was already working fine. We will check our next level team and get back to you once we have any update regarding this. Thanks, Shathish
  3. AnthonyM10

    AnthonyM10 Bit poster

    Thanks. This, of course, is a test machine but Parallels worked in Beta 3 with no issue. I look forward to an update, patch or the next steps with your support team. Thank you for the reply
  4. Tograchuck

    Tograchuck Bit poster

    Temporarly you can disable the SIP-Feature in High Sierra.
    Less system security temporarly, but Parallels works only if SIP is disabled.
    VitaliB1 likes this.
  5. AnthonyM10

    AnthonyM10 Bit poster

    How do you disable SIP? I am looking at Security and Privacy....in Settings.
  6. Tograchuck

    Tograchuck Bit poster

    This is a security feature and you must google this.
  7. DenisS3

    DenisS3 Junior Member

    So I did a backup and installed high Sierra public beta ages ago. Did 2 updates, no issues. Without doing another backup I just upgraded (to todays latest public beta, I think B3) and now can't open my dev windows 10 machine. Quickly purchased PD12 thinking that an install would whitelist the app but no such luck. Still getting this error but can't open the app. Under security & private I'm getting the open anyway setting for 1/2 a second and then it's gone. I've used terminal to set it to open apps from "Anywhere." but still no luck.

    Is there no terminal way to whitelist this app? I realize it was stupid to use this on my main machine but high Sierra brought some stuff which I really need.


    Is disabling SIP the only way to go?!

    EDIT: Confirmed that disabling SIP works.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
  8. DmitryT1

    DmitryT1 Bit poster

    Would be nice to have a look on Desktop 13 beta...
    P.S. BETA 4 - 12 does not work :(
  9. bradhs123

    bradhs123 Junior Member

    Same issue.

    Disabling SIP for now...
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
  10. HansD4

    HansD4 Bit poster

    Same issue - does anyone know how this likely will be resolved: by an update by Parallels or by an upcoming version of the High Sierra beta?
  11. bradhs123

    bradhs123 Junior Member

    You can disable SIP until the next beta or Parallels release.
  12. simshenjie

    simshenjie Bit poster

    Same issue.
    restore 12.2.0(41591) can normally use
  13. HansD4

    HansD4 Bit poster

    simshenjie Please explain: Will reverting to Parallels 12.2.0 solve the issue = work with the present beta of High Sierra?
  14. BradleyD1

    BradleyD1 Bit poster

    So, if I disable SIP to allow Parallels to start up once under High Sierra, if I re-enable SIP after that, will Parallels continue to work? Or, do I need to keep SIP disabled?
  15. KatiaF

    KatiaF Bit poster

    Yes, I can confirm rolling back to 12.2.0 solved the issue for me. Thanks, simshenjie!
  16. fruiteatingbear

    fruiteatingbear Bit poster

    To disable SIP (System Integrity Protection) Start your laptop in recovery mode
    (Select Restart...Hold down command-R to boot into the Recovery System)
    Select the Utilities menu and select Terminal.
    Type csrutil disable and press return
    Close Terminal app
    Select the  menu and select Restart
    Once there is a fix, you would be wise to re-enable SIP. The same process but use the terminal command csrutil enable
  17. BradleyD1

    BradleyD1 Bit poster

    It does work with SIP un-installed, but (logically) not after SIP is then re-installed. I was not comfortable leaving SIP off for several months, and I did not want to go through the hassle of repetitively un-installing and re-installing SIP over and over again. I still had the installer for Parallels Desktop 12.0.0, which worked fine after I had trashed the newer version of Parallels Desktop and associated apps, and installed the 12.0.0 version. simshenjie above says that newer version 12.2.0 also works, but I no longer had the installer on my system for that version.
  18. newt@vims.edu

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Have exactly the same problem
  19. fruiteatingbear

    fruiteatingbear Bit poster

    Yes, you can make Parallels work on Beta 4 by disabling SIP as I describe above. Or you can wait until Apple / Parallels release a new version of OS / Parallels.
  20. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Yes, you are right if you disable System Integrity Protection then Parallels Desktop 12 will work on High Sierra. You can enable it back when there is a new beta version for High Sierra is available.
    JohanF likes this.

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