incompatibilities between Parallel Tools & Insider Fall Creators Update

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Pbryanw, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. Pbryanw

    Pbryanw Junior Member


    I recently tried upgrading to the latest Windows Insider build (16215) in the Parallels VM I use for Windows Insider testing.

    On both attempts (one with 3D acceleration enabled and one without) both upgrades to 16215 (from the previous insider build) failed, and Windows rolled back the installation.

    So, I tried uninstalling Parallel Tools for my next attempt, and this time the 16215 update was installed correctly. I was then able to install Tools inside the new build (though I got a scripting error when doing this).

    So, I'm just wondering, considering there were a lot of changes in 16215, whether a new compatible version of Parallel Tools needs to be released? And just to bring this problem & workaround to others attention. Thanks.
    kyj1 likes this.
  2. Mark17

    Mark17 Member

    Update: I spoke too soon. First time I got a first_boot error; next time I got a second_boot error. I'll have to wait until there's a beta (does Parallels do betas?) otherwise maybe the next build will work.
    I can't answer your question, but thanks for the solution to the problem, been beating my head against the wall for days.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  3. AdamTM

    AdamTM Bit poster

    Likewise, i couldn't install 16215 until i uninstalled Parallel Tools, and while i was able to reinstall them afterwards and restore most functionality, i can no longer get the "Shared Profile" folders feature working.
  4. MichaelB22

    MichaelB22 Bit poster

    I have found the same with 16215. I have three Parallel's VM's all running 16199 RS3 however all three fail on the first boot and revert back. From the thread above, it appears if I uninstall Parallels Tools, do the update to 16215 then re-install Parallel Tools I will be okay but will have some reduced functionality. Given the speed at which Microsoft are releasing updates, do we expect Parallel's to keep pace? There has not been an update for a bit.
  5. Pbryanw

    Pbryanw Junior Member

    @Mark17 - Looks like my luck has run out too. I've just updated to Insider build 16226. Everything went fine, until Parallels Tools automatically reinstalled itself. On the next boot, I was left with a black screen, that still doesn't look like it's going anywhere.

    I think it was too much to expect, especially with all the changes coming in these recent Insider builds, that Parallels Tools wouldn't need to be refreshed in some way. Hopefully, we'll get an update from Parallels in due time.

    (Edit: The black screen just disappeared after writing this post, and it looks like Windows is functional. However, I'm in no way confident that Parallels Tools will continue to work for the next couple of builds, unless it's updated).
  6. Mark17

    Mark17 Member

    I thought 16226 would be the trick, but no luck for me either. Somehow I know have a kmode exception every time I try to shut down. Endless loop. I made a usb install from my Dell desktop thinking that might work, but I gave up after it said my only option was to "keep nothing"....basically a clean install. If that were too fail also, I don't trust windows to bring me back build 16999 (which worked until I tried 16226).
  7. Pbryanw

    Pbryanw Junior Member

    @Mark17 - I wonder if you could copy your Windows virtual machine. Then attempt the roll-back on the copied VM. Then if it doesn't work, you haven't lost anything. Might be worth a go?
  8. Mark17

    Mark17 Member

    Thanks for the suggestion, luckily I managed to recover. Somehow I had selected the EFI boot option in parallels and windows didn't like that. I did get to see something like a bios setup screen for the first time in parallels, plus a command line interface. I'm still in 16199 but at least I have that.
    Pbryanw likes this.
  9. Mark17

    Mark17 Member

    I forgot to post my hardware in case we can find a pattern of those who succeed and those who don't. Some boards seem to think this has something to do with SSD's. Has anyone with a Macbook Pro succeeded? This could be moot by the time we find a pattern, I'm sure Parallels is on top of it but probably has some NDA so they can't share with us.
    My hardware is basically a MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014), running Sierra 10.12.6 public beta 4, Parallels Version 12.2.0 (41591), Windows 10 64bit Insider Preview Build 16999
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: MacBook Air
    Model Identifier: MacBookAir6,2
    Processor Name: Intel Core i7
    Processor Speed: 1.7 GHz
    Number of Processors: 1
    Total Number of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
    L3 Cache: 4 MB
    Memory: 8 GB
    Boot ROM Version: MBA61.0099.B51
    SMC Version (system): 2.13f15
    APPLE SSD SM0512F:
    Capacity: 500.28 GB (500,277,790,720 bytes)
    Model: APPLE SSD SM0512F
    Revision: UXM2JA1Q
    Boot ROM Version: MBA61.0099.B51
    SMC Version (system): 2.13f15
    System Software Overview:
    System Version: macOS 10.12.6 (16G18a)
    Kernel Version: Darwin 16.7.0
  10. Mark17

    Mark17 Member

    Update: After updating to Parallels 12.2.1, Fast Ring Build 16237 successfully installs. So far no problems.
    Pbryanw likes this.
  11. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member


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