Why does PD 12 only support native fullscreen

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by CameronA, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. SreechandraD

    SreechandraD Member

    Instead of completely removing emulated full screen, can you make it an option? Native full screen really kills my workflow when multiple VMs are running.
  2. BillM4

    BillM4 Member

    IT ALREADY WAS AN OPTION... UGGH... in other news, Parallels also removed "Active Screen Corners." Thanks for the "upgrade" guys, really love the new removal of features and options!
  3. BillM4

    BillM4 Member

    Coming soon, "Parallels Emulated Full Screen v1.0," only $99.99 a year!
  4. AliJ

    AliJ Member

    I upgrade to Desktop 12 and also have probems with being able to drag windows that are on the top edge of the screen while in full screen mode. when i try to drag the application window, it drags the whole screen instead. driving me crazy as i cant even resize the application windows so i can drag them :(. please get us a fix. i wish i never upgraded to 12
  5. AdrianH1

    AdrianH1 Bit poster

    Any update for this? I am also getting the dock and menu while using Windows in full screen mode.
  6. TomW6

    TomW6 Junior Member

    Yep, still on PD 11 waiting for this feature to be re-added. OS X's fullscreen mode sucks, and it's certainly not designed for the applications like Parallels, especially when "Displays have separate Spaces" is disabled. Parallels can't expect their users to change a fundamental operating system setting that affects their whole workflow, and call that a fix. Parallels is letting down a huge portion of their user base, and likely most of their power users, by only providing support for native full-screen.
  7. SreechandraD

    SreechandraD Member

    I have given PD12 a fair shot twice. Both times I could not deal with this Native Fullscreen BS and had to switch back to PD11. I'm having trouble finding any reason to upgrade to PD12 actually. What earth-shattering improvements are there?

    If I don't see this fixed soon, I will be trying VMWare Fusion next instead of PD13.
  8. TomW6

    TomW6 Junior Member

    Haha, yeah that seems to be what I will find myself doing. Parallels and VMware both manage to alternate screwing their customers or f'ing up their new versions, thus I often find myself switching between them. I just hate that I've spent my companies money on PD 12 and I can't even use it!
  9. BillM4

    BillM4 Member

    In usual Parallels fashion, probably nothing will happen. Could I interest you in another unnecessary Parallels Toolbox tool? Cuz that's what Parallels does now... doesn't emulate full screen (why write something that emulates something else?), and throws in garbage to try to justify PD12. I'm still using PD11 on macOS Sierra, and still seeing absolutely no reason to upgrade.
  10. EricW6

    EricW6 Bit poster

    I paid for the upgrade to Parallels 12 as well and have downgraded back to 11 since I can't flip back and forth between my VM and Mac with F6 like I have ever since I started using parallels (version3 I think). What a ripoff. I have been asking them about a fix for 6 months now and they tell me to monitor the Updates Summary Page. I went from a happy customer to very unhappy.
  11. BillM4

    BillM4 Member

    Based on this thread, and others with similar subjects, we're not alone as unhappy customers. I paid for the PD12 upgrade as well, before I learned that Parallels REMOVED functionality... 1 step forward, 2 steps back... They should probably start advertising what they've REMOVED for each new version of Parallels.
  12. BillM4

    BillM4 Member

    Why would you trash all the work you're already written to EMULATE Mac full screen! Sad
  13. JeffW2

    JeffW2 Bit poster

    Add me to the list of unhappy users due to the full screen feature removal. I should not have to comb forums for what features were randomly removed in an update before purchase...

    Very poor form.
  14. StefanW6

    StefanW6 Member

    MAJOR problems here too with full screen. Already reported several times to support but every time I'm told that it's now supposed to be this crippled:
    When using TWO monitors it is now impossible to run Windows on one in fulscreen while keeping Mac OS on the other in full screen. The moment you switch the VM to full screen, the other monitor goes blank. That's Apple's "great" way to implement fullscreen. Only crippled workaround is to activate "separate monitors have separate spaces" in Mac OS settings but now you can't overlap windows any longer between OSX and Windows and you can't drag and drop files from windows to Mac. Also there's a 2 second delay when changing focus.
    On top of that, on the single screen laptop I'm having the same issue as Alij. Windows in fullscreen becomes unusable after the laptop sleeps and wakes up. Nothing along the top border can be dragged, as it drags the whole screen and not the window as intended.

    So far the only "upgrade" I have found where both issues are fixed is to switch to Fusion. Downside is, graphics for games is slower :(
  15. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hello, please be informed that Parallels Desktop 12 Update 12.1.3 (41532) was released and the issue has been addressed. Please update Parallels Desktop to the latest build and let us know how it works. Thanks!
  16. StefanW6

    StefanW6 Member

    The full screen without using Apple's crippled OSX built-in fullscreen method has not been fixed yet. Multi-monitor users are still left out in the rain.
    It worked so nicely in PD11 when leaving the "use OSX fullscreen" checkbox in the VM settings UNCHECKED.
  17. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team


    We understand that you don't like our decision made in Parallels Desktop 12 to drop non-native full-screen, but please understand that this mode was developed at times when Apple did not have their own Full Screen on OS X, back in 2006. Since then Apple introduced support for full-screen mode with the release of OS X 10.7 (in 2011). Since then we have started to improve native OS X full-screen view mode while supporting our own mode as well. Several years later we've realized that our non-native Full Screen comes at cost because technically this mode is not a full-screen state, but a borderless window resized to full display size. This results in multiple issues when user plays certain 3D games or works in CAD software, and we finally decided to stick with macOS Full Screen mode in Parallels Desktop 12.

    We know that several convenient features that used to work with "our" full-screen mode are now gone, but that's how native macOS full-screen works, it all depends on Apple.

    For some use cases we have improved support for multiple display full-screen in Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac update v12.1.2 (41525), which brings the following feature: Activating virtual machine shows all its spaces. This feature can be activated in VM configuration > Options > Full Screen.

    When this feature is enabled, and you are using a VM on multiple displays, activating VM space on any display will automatically switch other display spaces to VM ones.

    NOTE: Please make sure to enable 'Displays have separate spaces' in macOS System Preferences > Mission Control.

    Also, if you have used to switch between desktop spaces and VM space with Ctrl+1 (Ctrl+2 etc.) keyboard shortcuts, you can specify the desired shortcut in Parallels Desktop Preferences > Shortcuts > OS X System Shortcuts > 'Show and hide Parallels Desktop' option. Just assign Ctrl+3 or any other shortcut if you have used to press this shortcut to switch to VM, and the same will work in Parallels Desktop 12.
  18. JeffW2

    JeffW2 Bit poster

    I don't think anyone here has any problem with you guys improving the state of the native full screen mode. NO further improvements to the old feature would be understandable, removing it is not.

    This was always an option that had to be selected. A user playing 3D games or using CAD would likely understand that the native fullscreen mode would be more performant. There are notes on several features in that section, so noting that performance impact there would seem appropriate.

    Also there is a dang checkbox option for "Optimize for 3D games" - there is your surefire method for making sure the fullscreen setting is native macOS for the gaming users. Checking that Optimize checkbox could have defaulted the (now removed) full screen behavior to the appropriate setting.

    CMD+tab to anything else in the OS causing that switch animation is making me drunk.

    Can I use my Parallels 12 key on 11?
  19. AliJ

    AliJ Member

    its not fixed in 41532. I have the same issue. Extrenal screen challenges are a nightmare in PD12 :( I wish I never installed 12.
  20. StefanW6

    StefanW6 Member

    Such a shame that Parallels doesn't care any more about us multi-monitor users. They simply forced Apples broken way on everyone even though their own solution in PD11 was so much better. I reported the problem right after PD12 was released and just got pushed around, sent the "workaround" to enable separate spaces which is exactly what I *don't* want to do. Then they said "yeah we'll tell the developers" and my ticket was closed. Very disappointing indeed!

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