WINDOWS 8.1 running on PARALLELS 12 (Macbook pro 16, w/retina)

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by LouisG2, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. LouisG2

    LouisG2 Bit poster

    I'm unable to extend my windows 8.1 accros multiple monitors, it is confined to only 1 (one) monitor. Did I miss settings during the installation or it is due to the incompatibility of the retina display on my macbook pro. I'm trying to use windows to "Trade stocks" across 6 - 8 monitors, through the parallels system.

    Do I need to get Windows 10 due to incompatibility ?
    Please help! ASAP

  2. Dinesh@Parallels

    Dinesh@Parallels Guest

    Dear @LouisG2 ,
    To extend virtual machine to the external display, go to View menu of the virtual machine from Mac menu bar > check "Use All Displays in Full Screen".

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