Anyone else seeing this? After upgrading to 5160. 1. Double-click a PVS file in the Finder -- this VM will auto-run (even though I have the auto-run feature turned off). 2. Try to edit the VM settings -- you can't, because it's running (duh). 3. As per the instructions, hit the stop button so you can edit the VM settings -- the VM stops, then exits so you can't edit the VM settings! The only way around this seems to be to do this: 1. Open a different VM. 2. Use the "File/Open" menu to choose your 2nd VM. This is either a bug or really poor UI design.
Hi, To edit VM configuration at startup please hold down the Command key and double-click on a PVS file. Alexander
Thanks, holding down the Command / Apple key does seem to work. It seems to me this could be less confusing -- it may or may not be OK to auto start a VM if double-clicked, but it surely seems wrong to auto-stop a VM when someone hits the STOP button, especially if they are doing so after reading the screen that tells them to, so they can edit the VM.
Hi, You can control this options in: VM Configuration->Options->Booting and Parallels Desktop->Preferences->General. Alexander
Hmm -- your statement confuses me ... might this be a bug? I have "Start VM automatically when it is opened" and "Exit application on VM shutdown" turned OFF for the VM. For parallels desktop preference itself, I don't see any setting that tells it to Quit the application when the VM stops. I see options to quit the VM when the App quits, but that's the opposite.
Alexg -- try this: On a system with 2+ VMs installed, and all VM's set to not auto start or auto-stop. 1. Open parallels and select one VM. Don't run it. 2. In the finder, double click a second PVS file. 3. On my machine, the 2nd VM starts immediatly, no matter what the preferences say. 4. On the 2nd VM, try to stop the VM so you can edit the VM prefs -- I can't find any way to do this. The 2nd instance of parallels always exists when the VM stops.