I've been trying to get Parallels to work on my system and keep getting an error but am now past my trial license. Is there any way to get a new trial while we troubleshoot my problem.
Here is a thought... give VMWare a try. Licensing is much better and latest versions of Parallels greatly restrict memory and CPU cores per VM. Not on VMWare.
We don't have an option of resetting or extending the trial but you can purchase Parallels Desktop 12 and apply for the refund within 30 days from the date of purchase if you are not satisfied.
I'm a bit worried that my issue would not be resolved in 30 days and I wouldn't be able to get a refund since I've had several times when no one would answer my question. I was working with several people on my issue when everyone just stopped answering. And after trying to start several private messages with those that was helping.....still nothing. And even tried posting new ones....but no answer. See the following threads: https://forum.parallels.com/threads...l-tools-on-win10-bootcamp.338398/#post-811748 https://forum.parallels.com/threads/failed-to-install-driver-prl_boot.339199/ Can you help with my bootcamp Parallels Tools issue? Any ideas? Les
Hey, as a probable solution, could you please try to uninstall all 3rd party drivers from your Bootcamp VM and then try to install Parallels Tools.
I can't......my trial had expired. Nobody would respond to any of my request to resolve my issue before my trial ended. I went ahead and did the trial for VMWare. I had a problem and they responded promptly and resolved my issue and have bought it.