New Mac Book Pro Touch Bar - high discharging using parallels

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JanR1, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. JanR1

    JanR1 Junior Member

    Hey, I am using the new Mac book pro (late 2016) with touch bar and parallels is discharging my battery with almost 22 watt. Also very high power consumption in activity monitor - see screenshot attached.

    What to do?

    Attached Files:

  2. JanR1

    JanR1 Junior Member

  3. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi JanR1, if the "Real-time Virtual Disk Optimization" option is enabled, it may slow disk performance up to 30% (at the moment of compaction, not constantly). If the host has an SSD disk, the feature will be enabled by default for all virtual machines but will work only if it is compatible with the guest OS. Please check out this article to know more about it.
  4. buckZor

    buckZor Bit poster

    @JanR1 - Did this make any difference? I have a MBP with Touch Bar on the way to me and I am very concerned, I will be running 2 VMs constantly..
  5. freemach

    freemach Bit poster

    Did it work? I have exactly the same issues (link). Battery life is awful now. I previously had a 2012 retina display macbook pro on Parallels 11 and I got 50% more battery. How long are you getting on the new MacBook when on battery. I seem to get 4hrs max.
  6. JanR1

    JanR1 Junior Member

    Same here a bit more than 5 hours - max 6. Using the latest public beta.


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