Hello everyone I am a new proud user of a Macbook 13 retina from early 2015. Here are the specs: 2560x1600 Intel Core i5 2.7GHz 256GB flash 8GB LPDDR3 Intel Iris Graphics 6100 802.11ac For work and gaming reasons, I would like to install windows under a virtual machine. I have tried already a couple of Parallels versions (11.0 and 11.1) and also a couple of Windows 10 versions combined. Nevertheless, sometimes Windows does not recognize the USB sticks that I introduce (PC format) while MAC does perfectly. Also when trying to execute a game, the screen just goes full white and it does not move from there. My question to you all would be: which version of Parallels and Windows would you recommend me for this specific Macbook Pro? A friend of mine has parallels with windows (on an older MAC version) and none of those problems happen to him, so I assume is a matter of hardware/software compatibility. On the other hand, could it be that is just a matter of not having the right windows drivers installed? Thanks a lot in advance for your time and possible answers MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch,Early 2015), iOS 10.1, Yosemite
Hey @PedroM2 , Did you try to connect the USB stick directly to the virtual machine? Let us know the game name which you've trouble in running. Is that game compatible with DirectX 10 version?
Hello, thanks for the quick answer. The USB indeed, i stick it directly when the virtual machine is on. The name of the game is Age of Empires 2 HD (is already some years old). Regards
Hello. As an update, I must say I managed (shomehow) that windows will detect my USB perfectly. Still, the problem when running the game persists. Only a white screen and a sounds everytime I do click on the screen Thanks in advance!
Dear PerdroM2, please reproduce the issue and share the screenshot of the screen window to help on this. Thanks!