Kaspersky activation code expired

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Papillon1, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Papillon1

    Papillon1 Bit poster

    Recently I purchased a new license for my Kaspersky software. Everything went smoothly and I quickly got the required activation code. However when I entered this activation code I received, I got the following error message:
    "The validity period for applying this activation code has expired."

    I contacted Kaspersky customer support about this and they confirmed the code is expired and told me to contact Parallels support. I tried doing so via Twitter. I got a link to download the program again. However the error message remained.

    How can I get a new code or is it possible for my activation code to be " reactivated" ?

    I thought It might be good to start a new thread as it seems I am not the only one experiencing this specific problem.
    GraemeP likes this.
  2. Papillon1

    Papillon1 Bit poster

    By the way I am operating
    - Kaspersky Internet security
    -Mac OS Sierra versie 10.12.1
    - Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac Pro Edition Version 12.0.2 (41353)

    However I don't think the systems I operate are the problem. As Kaspersky told me the code is invalid/expired. And the link to install a newer version of Kaspersky was also unfruitful.

    The kaspersky license renewal in the virtual windows environment went smoothly by the way. I followed the same step in both cases but the mac version keeps showing the error message.
    GraemeP likes this.
  3. GraemeP

    GraemeP Bit poster

    I too am in this situation.

    A newly purchased activation key, and it is already invalidated by the software,

    Would appreciate some direction for a resolution please.
    Papillon1 likes this.
  4. Dinesh@Parallels

    Dinesh@Parallels Guest

    Hey guys,
    Please uninstall Kaspersky internet security using the removal tool and install it from Parallels Desktop interface. If it, doesn't work, please download and install Kaspersky internet security using this link and check if it works!
  5. Papillon1

    Papillon1 Bit poster

    I followed your advice. However the removal tool removed kaspersky in Mac AND Parallels/windows virtual machine. When installing through Parallels desktop only the windows version was restored. The link in the message above allowed me the install Kaspersky in Mac again. Nevertheless as the previous attempt in renewing Kaspersky software (as suggested by Parallels Support Twitter), this had no effect.

    Not entirely true as spending time uninstalling and reinstalling software while I don't expect it to work is really starting to make me loose my patience. Since October 24th when I purchased the renewal of the license I have been trying to get a solution for this... First through Kaspersky, then through Cleverbridge and then through Parallels Support Twitter, now through forums...

    It is neither the software nor the system but the CODE that is invalid/expired. The error message points it out as did the Kaspersky customer service.

    Please tell me what tp do about the code! Can Parallels make the code valid again? Or give me a valid code?
    GraemeP likes this.
  6. GraemeP

    GraemeP Bit poster

    Instructions Followed:

    Uninstallation, Reinstallation, Copied and Pasted activation key purchased 28th October:
    The validity period for applying this activation code has expired.
    This message has not changed since purchase.
    Cleverbridge and Kaspersky are unable to provide support in this instance as Parallels is the provisor of the activation code.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
    Papillon1 likes this.
  7. Papillon1

    Papillon1 Bit poster

    Ahhhhrgh! I think Kaspersky software is taunting me! Keeps showing these messages. "Application cannot update." "Database are extremely out of date". I am aware of that. Grrr!@#! Please come up with a solution before I punch my Mac...
  8. Papillon1

    Papillon1 Bit poster

    Would it be an idea to cancel my current order and order again? That way I would get a new and hopefully valid code. Would that be easier than trying to fix the bug that provided an already expired activation code?
    It seems to be a difficult problem as both times (Twitter and now Forum) communication went silent when deinstalling en reinstalling Kaspersky failed to solve it.
  9. Papillon1

    Papillon1 Bit poster

    I cancelled the order by sending a mail this morning to the Cleverbridge customer service. This afternoon they confirmed the cancellation and refund.
  10. Papillon1

    Papillon1 Bit poster

    A placed a new order and now I have a valid code. My problem is solved.:)
    Raj@Parallels likes this.
  11. Raj@Parallels

    Raj@Parallels Guest

    Great! Please feel free to reach us anytime for support.
  12. Raj@Parallels

    Raj@Parallels Guest

    Hey guys,
    Please use Kaspersky remover tool to remove the previous installation.
    To download Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac 2016, click here.
    Then, try activating Kaspersky and keep us posted how it works.
  13. UsmanY

    UsmanY Bit poster

    Hi, I am having an issue with Kaspersky, I downloaded everything for parallels 12 and have a variety of keygen's in November, but bizarrely the kaspersky one just said that its expired and won't accept the one that I have was given in the email ?!?!
  14. Raj@Parallels

    Raj@Parallels Guest

    Have you tried the steps above mentioned?
  15. UsmanY

    UsmanY Bit poster

    Hi Dineshraj, Thank you for responding, I don't mind trying to uninstall and reinstall if this will fix it, but the previous person said that didn't help, they somehow cancelled their order and re-ordered (which technically is not a fix), I doubt that I have the option for that course of action as it is a little while since November 2015 ?!? What would you suggest ?!?
  16. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hi UsmanY,
    we suggest you to completely uninstall any Kaspersky version you have installed on your Mac then use this download link to get the latest version of Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac and activate it using the key you have received in the bundle.

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