P12 How can I adjust "Use Mac OS X Full Screen"

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Zendog, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. Zendog

    Zendog Junior Member

    How do I adjust full screen mode to not use the native os x full screen mode? I want to have the VM (Ubuntu 16) full screen on one monitor and have OS X working on other two. Have this configuration working in P11 with no issue but in P12 the other two monitors are blacked out when the VM is active in full screen mode.

    I have "use all displays in full screen mode" enabled but when I switch VM to full screen mode on the VM the other two monitors go black. This happens regardless of wether or not I have the "use all displays in full screen" checked or unchecked.

    It seems to me in prior versions there was a switch to turn on / off "use mac native os x full screen" where is this option in P12?

    Is there something else I need to do to run the VM in full screen in one of the three displays and still be able to use the other two displays for the native OS?
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
  2. boredcleaner

    boredcleaner Bit poster

    I have the same problem. P11 had an option for this, I'd like to see that come back.
  3. webdeck2

    webdeck2 Bit poster

    Same here.
  4. Ray Konopka

    Ray Konopka Member

    Same here. In every other version of PDforMac (since version 4) I've had a separate desktops for my full screen Windows VMs, and the primary desktop was dedicated to MacOSX. I was then able to use Cmd+1, Cmd+2, etc. to quickly navigate to each desktop/VM. Now with P12, the full screen VMs are not assigned to any desktop and the keyboard commands no longer work. I've tried to use the Ctrl+RightArrow and Ctrl+LeftArrow commands to move between spaces, but this is unreliable. It doesn't happen every time, but quite frequently, I'll be on my primary desktop (#1) and then press Ctrl+RightArrow to go to my full screen VM and the desktops slide over to show my VM only to slide right back to the primary desktop. #VeryIrritating

  5. Zendog

    Zendog Junior Member

    Just my .02 cents worth of opinion, but I found this regressed feature function (amongst other associated miscellaneous performance and video bugs) to be unacceptable. This seems more like BETA TEST level software rather then ready for prime time production. I have therefore regressed back to P11 in my environment until this release becomes more stable and user friendly for my workflows.

    Parallels ... Please look into this regressed feature and correct this.
  6. Ray Konopka

    Ray Konopka Member

    I'm considering going back to P11 as well. Did you have any problems opening your VMs (that were upgraded with new Parallels Tools) back in PD11?

  7. Zendog

    Zendog Junior Member

    Windows 10 had no issues. Ubuntu 16 initially stumbled on the tools version. Just reinstalled tools on both and have seen no compatibility issues.
  8. Ray Konopka

    Ray Konopka Member

    Great! Thanks!
  9. BillM4

    BillM4 Member

    OMG, please bring TURN OFF OS X FULL SCREEN back... regardless of dual monitor support, on a single monitor, I used to be able to run a full screen VM, literally press Command + Space to wake up mac Spotlight, type "chrome", and the chrome web browser would start. The VM remained full screen and in the background so I frequently moved whatever I was doing on my mac to the side and could see both the VM apps running, and the mac apps running; effectively turning the running VM into a live background.

    Yet another feature Parallels inexplicably removed in a new version of PD.
  10. EldadG

    EldadG Bit poster

    Adding another voice to the request to bring back the feature that allowed full screen VM on one screen and MacOS apps on the other, instead of black screen.
    I used to have my e-mail open on the non-VM screen to see when important e-mails arrived while working on the attached larger screen. Now I need to switch to e-mail and Parallels 12 does not switch back to the additional screen. Instead, it switches to the MBP screen, forcing me to get out of full screen mode and back just to return to the VM on the attached screen.
  11. Nathan_T

    Nathan_T Bit poster

    Reverting back to Parallels 11. I don't know what v12 offers me that is worth upgrading for, anyway. But losing this feature is a deal-breaker.
  12. TomW6

    TomW6 Junior Member

    Likewise. Stupid having one monitor full-screen, and the other two blank. Makes you wonder what's going on with quality control and UAT at Parallels? Back to PD 11 for now I guess. What a hassle.
  13. JanVis

    JanVis Junior Member

    I had a support call with Parallels. Explained the issue in detail. They know about the issue and are working on a fix.
  14. CoryA

    CoryA Bit poster

    This, exactly. Will be headed back to 11 for the time being.


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