Failed to allocate specified amount of memory

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by [email protected], Jul 8, 2007.

  1. jmarispq

    jmarispq Bit poster

    Possible solution to memory allocation failure

    This might help some of you: if you are using FileVault and have imported data from another Mac, it doesn't expand its memory allocation over what you had in the old computer. To see this, find out the free space on your hard drive, and compare it to the free space in your /user folder. if the latter shows much less space, then "unFileVault" your drive, and "reFileVault" it. You'll get all the missing space back, and the dreaded unable to allocate memory message should go away. Hope this helps a few of you...
  2. Relan

    Relan Parallels Developers

    We have fixed this problem and the fix is currently being tested by our QA team. It will be available soon in the next RC build. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  3. ECG

    ECG Bit poster

    Any timeframe or other temporary options?

    What is the timeframe for the new release? Any temporary options? I need to use my computer. If I delete Parallel and re-install will it fixed the problem.

  4. RealityExplorer

    RealityExplorer Member

    Perhaps we need to keep bumping threads like this till Parallels gets a clue and deigns to bother telling customers whats up... As I've tried explaining elsewhere the more info you give customers the better.. and the more patient they will be knowing they aren't being ignored. Its better to see an estimate of "3-4 days".. and then a post later saying "it was more complicated than we thought and we need another week... " than to instead get a vague "soon" not give more details.. then after "soon" goes by.. according to some definitions (ie, day or two or at least "this week" many people may figure it might mean, re: a beta at least) be left hanging still without more clue... Companies with the best customer support provide as much information as possible even while noting its subject to change, and telling when it changes.. Those who don't "get it" keep too much secret as if users are stupid and can't be trusted to understand that something is just an estimate, since you can bet internally they have an estimate.. (even if may be way off as software estimates often are). There may be clueless users.. but you don't by default operate as if they all are.. many are software engineers (some who might even be able to debug your software problem themselves and explain the fix.. but don't feel its worth their time since its your software and it'd waste time to try to reverse engineer or hack this kind of software to debug it from the outside.... ))
  5. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Has anyone who had this issue tried restarting and/or running a system maintanence utility such as Onyx? I have found that in the past this issue has been resolved on my machines by one or both of the above.
  6. ECG

    ECG Bit poster

    Tmp solution

    I unistalled parralled latest version and re-installed build 4128. As long as I keep memory under 1024 I'm ok.

    Still wish to have a better fix.
  7. Ribozyme

    Ribozyme Bit poster

    Well, I have now installed VMware and not only is much faster, but I am able to allocate up to 8 GB RAM and two virtual procesors. The interface is a little klunky as compares to Parelles, but it works!
  8. hEADcRASH

    hEADcRASH Bit poster

    Here's a bump RealityExplorer :)

    ...I have also recently installed VMWare...

    And while the multiprocessor support and >8G memory features are nice... WORKS.

    I'm keeping my word about trying the next Parallels patch, but at least I won't be without a safety net!

  9. brkirch

    brkirch Pro

    The latest beta has some improvements in memory management. 2 GB of memory per VM is now supported and a total of more than 4 GB for multiple VMs is supposed to be supported.
  10. hEADcRASH

    hEADcRASH Bit poster

    Nope -- that's it -- game over...

    The latest version (I do not care if it is being labeled "beta") still does not work. Same error. Same suggestion to "reboot the machine and try again." That is just not going to happen every time I want to use Parallels.

    I will post again if I have a negative experience obtaining a refund.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007
  11. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    After updating to 5120 I put the memory to 1700 on my MacPro and straight away got "the unable to allocate" message. BUT I restarted as suggested and it has been OK for several starts since then.
  12. hEADcRASH

    hEADcRASH Bit poster

    <insert sound of toilet flushing here>

    Hello Glenn,

    Thank you for your email. Parallels offers an 30 day money back. Refunding
    the product depends on how your originally purchased it. Where and how did
    you purchase the product?

    For the record: I purchased the original (crippled: can you say intermittent kernel panics on a Quad Pro?) version last year (along with 3 other copies for friends). From here on out my recommendations will only be VMware.

    Version 5060 is a Beta version if this is the version that you are using.

    Parallels is under no obligation to provide technical support under the
    terms of this license, and provides no assurance that any specific errors or
    discrepancies in the Software will be corrected.
    (emphasis mine)

    We appreciate your email and thank you for supporting Parallels.

    Obviously I wish they had read my email and the link to the thread I included.

    Have a great day!


    Customer Support Services
    Parallels, Inc
  13. chrishch

    chrishch Bit poster

    I bought two pieces of 1GB Mushkin Memory for my MacBook (Core2 2.0GHz) and they were defective. I had been running my Parallels Windows XP VM at 1024MB before, and it was fine, but constantly getting BSODs. After sending the memory back, I adjusted my VM to use 512MB.

    Then, today, I finally got my replacement memory, and cranked up the Memory back to 1024MB. I had always used 1024MB before, but now, I get the "failed to allocate" error. Nothing has changed, as I have always had Parallels 3 build 4128.

    I did a search and found this thread. I then tried changing the memory size of my VM from 864 all the way up to 1004 and it won't allow for anything more 1004MB, and my video memory is set at only 4MB.

    I'm not sure if upgrading to build 4560 will help, as I had other problems with it before, probably due to bad memory, but since reading this thread, it looks like it won't be fixed until the next build (or beyond). Can anyone help? Thanks.
  14. Relan

    Relan Parallels Developers

    If you followed the advice and rebooted you Mac after new beta build installation you would find allocation bug fixed...

    After you install Parallels on a Mac with more than 4 GB of memory it's highly recommended to reboot Mac if Parallels asks to do so.
  15. Relan

    Relan Parallels Developers

    Build 4560 will not fix "failed to allocate memory" error, but latest RC will.
  16. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    The key with rebooting is to do it DIRECTLY after the install, not after you try and it fails.
    Try un-installing.
    Now try to get in.
  17. stevegr1102

    stevegr1102 Bit poster

    Same problem here - frustrating - and I have a wrinkles.

    Running Build 4560 (just checked for updates - Parallels says I am up to date). Brand new MacBook Pro 15" 2 GB RAM. Windows XP Home. 2 users on the computer with separate logins (in Mac-Land and in PC Land). Initially installed Parallels under one user (me). Fixed that (well, sort of - it feels like a hack, but was working - I'll do a separate post on that one).

    When I try to boot Parallels from MY Mac login, I get the error described. It just started happening. Only think that changed was a Mac update of iTunes and one other thing - automatic stuff. I have tried the suggested fix re: automatically allocating memory - nada. HOWEVER - when I log into the Mac as my wife, Parallels lanuches (so far) with no trouble.

    I am not sure whether we are actually launching the same VM or not - I am thinking we are NOT, though I think we ARE using the same Windows partition. This was a PARALLELS install - I am not using a Bootcamp partition or XP installation. Anyway - I sense that the error message is telling me something about Parallels, not does not seem to get that far.

    Parallels team - this appears to have been going on for several months from the thread. By when - what promises ARE you willing to make regarding a fix. If none - I should probably go to VMWare as I depend on being able to run Windows from time to time on this machine. The software is unusable as delivered as it will not even load. This is NOT a minor issue. This is a show stopper. Please be specific regarding what promises you can make. To do less is to hide behind the technical terms of your license, but does no pass the test of reasonableness (especially given that this has been going on for some time). Thank you
  18. brkirch

    brkirch Pro

    The next update should not have this problem. In the meantime you can use the release candidate version of the update (make sure that you restart your computer after installing it).
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2007
  19. Relan

    Relan Parallels Developers

    The bug is already fixed in current RC. Release will be out this week.
  20. skeedatl

    skeedatl Member

    It's not fixed for me. When "this week". I just DLed the latest build of 5160 on 9/12/07 and I still have failed to allocate errors despite trying many VM memory combinations as well as rebooting the Macs many times.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007

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