Direct Draw not working

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by jered, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. jered

    jered Bit poster

    Thread was moved from "General Discussions > User Solutions and Workarounds" to "Parallels Desktop for Mac > Windows Guest OS Discussion".
    Stacey M

    I've seen this posted in archived messages but never a clear resolution. Testing DirectX through dxdiag, all my DirectX3D tests pass. However Direct Draw fails. I also have an error "Several files (ddraw.dll, d3d8.dll, d3d9.dll) are old versions, which could cause problems."

    I followed one user's advice and reinstalled Parallels Tools but it didn't change anything.

    I have several apps which rely on Direct Draw to run correctly (not games) so I was hoping someone figured this one out.


    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2007
  2. andylong

    andylong Bit poster

    Here's a quick "me too".

    My installation is W2K Pro on Parallels 3.0 for Mac build 4560. I've got a MacBook Pro 2.33 with 2GB Ram. I've configured the VM with 1GB of RAM and 64MB of Video Ram.

    I'm trying to run "Jane's Fleet Command" and have had the usual trials and tribulations from this topic. Before I tried to run the program I did a dxdiag and had a successful directdraw test, but couldn't test the direct3d interfaces. After installing the game (whcih installed Directx 9.0c) the direct draw and ditrect 3d tests succeeded, although the game didn't run - it kept trying to change the screen resolution and eventually created an error log.

    I found the suggestion to enable the directx checkbox and did so. Now directdraw doesn't work at all, although the direct3d interfaces do. I reinstalled the parallels tools and the direct draw worked again, although direct3d 7 interfaces failed with 'out of memory'. D3D 8 & 9 worked OK.

    Still no joy on the game. Event log generated by Dr Watson is as follows:-
    The application, , generated an application error The error occurred on 09/08/2007 @ 16:57:50.500 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 0048CC7B (<nosymbols>)

    SOme people have suggested that I disable Coherence. How do I do this?

    regards, Andy
  3. MaximS

    MaximS Forum Maven

  4. jered

    jered Bit poster

    Great! Will give it a go. Thanks for listening to the community and working to make a great product even better!
  5. jered

    jered Bit poster

    Just installed RC2 and it fixed most of my DirectDraw problems, thanks! I only have a couple problems now.

    One app left that blows up now and that's Microsoft Expression Blend. Can't run it with DirectX enabled in Parallels. I have to disable DirectX for it to run correctly but without DirectDraw it runs pretty slow. This extends to any WPF applications, they either won't run or have significant drawing artifact problems.

    3DSMax 9 won't run in DirectX mode still. It will start up but doesn't draw the grid planes. Then as soon as you attempt to model something it crashes. OpenGL mode runs fantastic though.

    Let me know if I should send this info to the beta list.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2007

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