Experience with Transcend JetDrive Lite 130?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by ADAXL, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. ADAXL

    ADAXL Junior Member

    I am planning to buy a Transcend JetDrive Lite 130 (http://transcend-info.com/apple/jetdrivelite/) storage expansion card. I have a Macbook Air 13'' early 2014 running Mavericks and Parallels 9.

    Does anybody have any experience with this device? In particular, I have the following questions:

    1. Does it interfere with Parallels 9?

    2. When I start Windows in Parallels, I can choose whether I want to mount a drive in Windows. Can I reliably exclude the JetDrive Lite 130 so I do not get asked every time Windows starts without blocking every other drive?

    3. This is not really a Parallels issue, but if you have a JetDrive Lite 130, you might know: Does the JetDrive Lite 130 mount reliably after the Macbook wakes up from sleep / standby? Transcend has an utiity to prevent just that, the Jetdrive Toolbox (http://www.transcend-info.com/Support/Software-181/), and I would like to know how well this works.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Padman

    Padman Member

    Hi Adaxl,
    You will be able to use Transcend JetDrive Lite 130 without any interference with Parallels Desktop. You can set permanent assignment for certain USB device. It means, that every time this device is connected to your computer it will be automatically captured by Mac.
    The assignments could be managed in the Permanent assignments list Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> USB
    To add a new assignment:
    1 Click the Add button below the Permanent assignments list.
    2 Click the device field in the USB Device column to choose a USB device from the list.
    3 In the Connect To column, double-click the destination field to open the list of available destinations and choose computer for Mac OS X.
    For the reliability of Transcend JetDrive Lite 130 on your Macbook, please try to contact Apple support or Transcend.
  3. ADAXL

    ADAXL Junior Member

    Hi Padman,
    thanks for the reply. Is a JetDrive Lite 130 really an USB device under Parallels? It is a storage expansion cards that goes into the card reader slot, says the Transcend website.
  4. Padman

    Padman Member

    Hi Adaxl,
    The JetDrive Lite 130 would be just shown as a exteral device.
    Under Permanent assignments list, you can click on "External Devices" and select JetDrive Lite 130 to Mac OS X.
  5. ADAXL

    ADAXL Junior Member

    I bought the JetDrive Lite 130 a few weeks ago, installed the JetDrive Toolbox software from Transcend, and it's working nicely. I just wanted to inform all who might be interested.
  6. KeizerSauze

    KeizerSauze Bit poster


    What about performance issues ? I plan to buy one on MB1 15 for PD 11 & Windows 10.

  7. Tony Carreon

    Tony Carreon Hunter

    i'm using the lite 330 (retina 13" MBP) and haven't had any issues with performance. on my MB Air i use a PNY StorEdge. i find the performance of the jetdrive a little better, so much so that i run 2 of my VMs from it. they're slower to start up than from my internal HDD but once they're running it's not bad. the PNY was a bit slower and made doing anything other than storing files on it a non-starter.
  8. pippop1

    pippop1 Bit poster

    I have a Jetdrive lite 256GB OS X Extended (journaled) and "working" on MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2013) running OS X el Capitan, it is a nightmare, actually when parallels 11.2 is open, spotlight stop to find the contents on it, I cannot save or move file on it, and if I try to eject it says that some program is using it.
    I have to close parallels, reboot and re-mount it to make it work again properly. May be is the Extended (journaled) the problem?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
  9. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hi Pippo,
    I suggest you to make sure Jetdrive is not permanently assigned to open when Windows is started. These assignments could be managed in the Permanent assignments list Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> USB , try to remove if any and then check.
    Ajith M.

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