Shift, Caps lock key works improper-I can't type capital letters. That happens to some applications when I type passwords to login. It may be related with anti-keylogger process - when I use the apps, anti-keylogger process turns on.( I can't kill this process.) So now I am not able to use those apps. Please let me know hot to solve this issue.
Hello jinW, Try to uninstall and (re)install Parallels Tools. Click on Actions in Mac menu bar > Configure... > Hardware > Keyboard and Mouse > Keyboard >"Don't optimize for games" (or) "Auto-detect for games". Try with both the options and let us know how it works.
Did you have a fix yet? My cap's lock is not working in some games and my middle click too. However I fixed the middle click by configureing it in mouse shortcuts. Is there something like that for keyboard too?
Hello @Om_, Please refer to this KB article: and check. Thanks, McAllen.