Bettertouchtool and Logitech mouse

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by JoelRubio, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. JoelRubio

    JoelRubio Member

    Hi All,
    I'm on P11 and 10.11.4 using Bettertouchtool. I use a Logitech Anywhere MX mouse. Works great programming the extra keys (front, back) on the Mac side, but in Parallels it doesn't work unless I turn off BTT.
    Any workarounds? Or just an issue with BTT not integrated with Parallels.
  2. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    Windows back/forward are not the same commands as the macs. So when sending things like back/forward to Windows, you can't just use the Mac commands.

    In BTT, create a new app-specific setting for Parallels. In your back/forward gestures or buttons, instead of doing back/forward do "CTRL+ALT+[Left Arrow]" and "CTRL+ALT+[Right Arrow]" respectively.
  3. JoelRubio

    JoelRubio Member

    Thank you, AlekseyM. That's very creative. However, I cannot get it to work. By itself, in Parallels, the keyboard shortcut is Alt+[Left Arrow] for Back, and Alt+[Right Arrow] for Forward. Sorry, I don't tweak BTT too much, but should I use the modifier checkboxes? Many thanks again.
  4. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    Don't check the boxes. Set up the gestures in the dropdowns. For the "Action" do a keystroke and just press ALT+Left Arrow, right arrow respectively. If you remapped your alt/win key in Parallels (some people do), then do command+left instead of alt+left.

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