Virtual Network unavailable: No network adapter on Mac

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by NextThursday, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. NextThursday

    NextThursday Junior Member

    Since the OSX update yesterday I am not able to use shared network or host-only network options in my VMs. The error messages (depending on the state of the VM) are either
    • "No network adapter available on Mac for virtual network "Parallels Shared #0"" or
    • "The physical network adapter connected to the virtual network adapter 1 is not available"
    The problem exists with all virtual machines.
    I tried...
    1. rebooting OSX several times
    2. uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling Parallels Desktop 11
    3. using PDRemove
    4. uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling Parallels Desktop 11
    5. deleting /Library/Preferences/Parallels manually
    6. uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling Parallels Desktop 11
    7. deleting /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration
    8. uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling Parallels Desktop 11
    currently im working on bridged network as this works without problems. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. NextThursday

    NextThursday Junior Member

    /var/log/system.log shows
    Dec 11 19:33:20 MacBook-Pro prl_naptd[977]: Reloading configuration...
    Dec 11 19:33:20 MacBook-Pro prl_naptd[977]: Failed to restart: error -1; Parallels Network Daemon will restartafter receiving some signal.

    and after running pr_net_start:
    Dec 11 19:43:34 MacBook-Pro prl_net_start[2729]: Failed to configure Parallels Adapter 0 for network Shared
    Dec 11 19:43:34 MacBook-Pro prl_net_start[2729]: Failed to configure Parallels Adapter 1 for network Host-Only
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
  3. ManojK@Parallels

    ManojK@Parallels Parallels Support

    Please try to reset the ACL permission as per this article, create a new admin user & try installing Parallels Desktop and check if the issue persists.
  4. NextThursday

    NextThursday Junior Member

    Thanks Manoj. Tried exactly that yesterday without luck.
    Then I noticed that the Thunderbolt Ethernet Dongle also wasn't recognized any more and tried ~20 different tips for fixing that, as I thought it might be a general network adapter problem after my update.

    Reverted with time machine to a working state, due to an important project.

    will repeat the OSX10.11.2 update in the next few days and update this if the error comes up again
  5. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    I am having the same issue since updating to El Capitan 10.11.2. I have tried all of the trouble shooting for a missing network adaptor and nothing is working. I can confirm that it was working before 10.11.2 so it is most likely something in this upgrade that broke it. I am on a mid 2013 13" Macbook Air.

    Please advise as soon as possible otherwise I will have to start the rollback process. Thanks.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  6. NextThursday

    NextThursday Junior Member

    It was reproduce-able; as soon as I reinstalled 10.11.2 the problem came up again
    1. explicit ACL fix isn't available in current version of Recovery Reboot; First Aid reported no problems. Folder permissions look fine on first glance
    2. new Admin user installed Parallels and had the same problems
    It seems to be an OSX Update issue ( so perhabs not Parallels related.

    Things I do to my Mac (MBP-R late 2013) which only some people do:
    • use homebrew
    • run "sudo gem update"
    • installed osxfuse
  7. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    Bump - any thoughts on resolving this now that my Windows is useless without a working network connection? Thanks.
  8. NextThursday

    NextThursday Junior Member

    Bridged networking is a hassle in some environments, but works like charm here.

    The linked apple discussions thread ( suggest re-installing 3rd party network drivers you used after the OSX10.11.2 update (or installing some random 3rd party network driver, one is linked there). Didn't test yet and I would think that Parallels installer should do this anyway with their own virtual drivers - but perhaps they work differently.
    As I only have time for the time machine rollback on weekends the OSX10.11.2 update is again still pending for install here.
  9. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    A couple of things I noticed. First, my USB Ethernet dongle stopped working - on the Mac side. So I reinstalled drivers and it worked. Then after a reboot it didn't work on the Mac side! Still didn't work in parallels. So here is clearly something in El Capitan that messed up network drivers. I admit I am confused between shared bridges and the other options. None of them appear to work at present. Which should I use? Hopefully parallels can report these bugs to Apple?
  10. NextThursday

    NextThursday Junior Member

    > Which should I use?
    • Shared: everything works fine (thus: default)
    • Host-only: sharing folders between Mac and VM works fine, Internet won't work in VM
    • Bridged: Internet works fine, shared folders might be a hassle
    This is quite simplified; explains the details. As after 10.11.2 shared and host-only gave errors, I switched to bridged in order to at least have internet in the VM
  11. DennisM5

    DennisM5 Junior Member

    I am also having the same issue. I was using an Anker USB 3.0 with 1 GB Ethernet Adapter. I installed 10.11.2 after removing that adapter from my MBP. I have since completely discontinued using it and removed it from OSX.

    No matter what I do, I cannot get the shared network to work. I am only using the built-in wi-fi adapter for my MBP, but it still will not work. Not sure what else to try at this point.

    Bridged network works fine, but due to my VPN, I cannot use bridged network and need shared.
  12. DennisM5

    DennisM5 Junior Member

    Took me some digging through system.log and doing some research on the net, but I finally figured this out.

    The reason the shared networking is not working is because the kext file for prl_netbridge and others is not updated to be signed for 10.11.2. Because of the new security with 10.11, any kext not signed for the current version will not be allowed to load. I found this by trying to manually load the kexts for Parallels and the system.log telling me they were untrusted.

    Dec 16 19:20:06 XXXX sudo[40991]: dennis.meier : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Applications/Parallels ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/kextload prl_vnic.kext
    Dec 16 19:20:06 XXXX[49]: Untrusted kexts are not allowed
    Dec 16 19:20:06 XXXX[49]: ERROR: invalid signature for, will not load

    In order to work around this, I had to boot into recovery mode (CMD + R), open terminal, and then disable CSRUTIL by running csrutil disable and then rebooting. After reboot, everything works great.

    Hopefully Parallels support will read this thread and update the kexts and issue a product update.
  13. DennisM5

    DennisM5 Junior Member

    Took me some digging through system.log and doing some research on the net, but I finally figured this out.
    The reason the shared networking is not working is because the kext file for prl_netbridge and others is not updated to be signed for 10.11.2. Because of the new security with 10.11, any kext not signed for the current version will not be allowed to load. I found this by trying to manually load the kexts for Parallels and the system.log telling me they were untrusted.

    Dec 16 19:20:06 XXXX sudo[40991]: dennis.meier : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Applications/Parallels ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/kextload prl_vnic.kext
    Dec 16 19:20:06 XXXX[49]: Untrusted kexts are not allowed
    Dec 16 19:20:06 XXXX[49]: ERROR: invalid signature for, will not load

    In order to work around this, I had to boot into recovery mode (CMD + R), open terminal, and then disable CSRUTIL by running csrutil disable and then rebooting. After reboot, everything works great.

    Hopefully Parallels support will read this thread and update the kexts and issue a product update.
  14. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    Hi guys, can someone who sees the same errors in the /var/log/system.log (Console > system.log) as per DennisM5 post above send us a problem report as described

    Please post report ID number here.
  15. DennisM5

    DennisM5 Junior Member

    Just FYI... In order to get the errors to appear in system.log, I had to run the following terminal command from

    sudo /sbin/kextload prl_vnic.kext
  16. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    right, also they should appear on Parallels Desktop startup. This basically means that Parallels virtual network driver fails to load therefore virtual network is down (shared, host-only).
  17. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    I believe that something is corrupted within Mac OS X, since I expect that error about invalid sign of IONetworkingFamily should appear at boot of OS and while loading almost any network drivers in the system.log; take a look to systemlog (/Application/Utilities/
    ERROR: invalid signature for, will not load
    Signature failure in dependencies for kext load request.

    This prevents parallels networking from fully functioned start. I think that you should try to reinstall the Mac OS from recovery partition.
    NextThursday likes this.
  18. DennisM5

    DennisM5 Junior Member

    Hi Elric,

    After doing some more looking, I think I have figured out the mystery. I have an Anker USB 3.0 Hub with Gigabit ethernet adapter. It has some older drivers for 10.10 on the Anker website. Because of the older driver signatures, and the new security for kexts in 10.11, the kexts installed to make this adapter work in IONetworkingFamily are invalid, which is causing everything not to work right, including Parallels. Now that I have set OS X to trust these kexts, everything is working.

    So you are right, this isn't an issue with Parallels, but rather an issue with the kexts for the external ethernet adapter which is causing shared networking for Parallels to not work right.

    Thanks Elric! Hopefully this will help others too.
  19. NextThursday

    NextThursday Junior Member

    @DennisM5 how exactly did you trust the kext? Disabling SIP completely is not an option imho.
  20. DennisM5

    DennisM5 Junior Member

    There was not a way to trust the kext without disabling SIP completely. I found an old workaround terminal command, but I read that has now been disabled with 10.11. Now that I have disabled SIP, everything has been working great.

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