VM on second monitor is not getting refreshed (live picture)

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Michael__, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Michael__

    Michael__ Bit poster


    I´m running Parallels Desktop Version 11.0.2 (31348) on an iMac with a second display and OS X El Capitan 10.11.

    Since I´ve updated to 10.11 i have a problem with the VMs displayed on the second monitor. It is the same with all VMs (windows 7 and windows 10). On the iMac screen I´m having the standard Mac OS things, on the second screen i´m having my work VM as full screen. In the past, the VM on the second monitor was always "live", the content on the screen were refreshed as normal. Now since 10.11 i´m getting an "screenshot" from the VM when the VM is not in focus anymore. This was not the case in the past....

    Parallels tools have been reinstalled already without any success.

    Any ideas?

  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Do you have this issue before the Parallels upgrade?
  3. Michael__

    Michael__ Bit poster

    Hey, since migrated to El Capitan 10.11 i noticed the behavior but it was not fixed with the latest update of PD for El Capitan.
    With previous version of PD 11.x i did not had this behavior on Yosemite.

  4. ad2001

    ad2001 Bit poster

    I have the exact same issue. I'm with El Captain official release. Before updating to the latest parallels update, I can set my Windows 10 VM to full screen on my second monitor (not using the Use All Display setting) and work in VM with no issue. It works fine for the first few days after the parallels update, but today I start experience the issue where when the VM is in focus in full screen mode, the display does not refresh. Also note that it works fine if I'm not in full screen mode. By full screen, I mean the real full screen, NOT the Coherence mode.
  5. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hey, you can download the previous build of Parallels Desktop 11 using this link, please check it and let us know the results.
  6. Michael__

    Michael__ Bit poster

    Hi, thx for your feedback. I had the same behavior also with the previous version. I´ve upgraded to El Capitan on the evening when it was officially released. At this time PD was El Capitan ready but not fully supported. With that version i had the same behavior as described. The latest version did not change this behavior.

  7. JasonNZ

    JasonNZ Bit poster

    I just installed Parallels 10 and this appears to happen here also, so El Capitan/Parallels problem?

    What I'm saying is the driver used by PD10 and PD11 both have the same issue
  8. JasonNZ

    JasonNZ Bit poster

    Another Side Note, if you select the Use OSX Full Screen, in PD10, this appears to fix the issue, so far....
  9. ad2001

    ad2001 Bit poster

    The previous version link works for me. Once I downgraded back to a previous PD11 version, I'm able to use my Windows 10 in Parallels in Full Screen. Note that I've always been using OS X Full Screen.
  10. Michael__

    Michael__ Bit poster

    it seams, that El Capitan 10.11.1 released yesterday solved the issue for me...
    I do now have live view in full screen mode on my VMs on the second monitor!

  11. StephenA3

    StephenA3 Bit poster

    I have only just noticed the issue recently. Firstly I only see it when running the windows 10 vm in full screen on the second monitor.
    I am running the most recent Parallels version 11.0.2 (31348) and OSX 10.11.1 on a Macbook pro retina late 2013 with the Nvidia Geforce GT 750M
    The external monitor that displays the issue is connected via a lightning to Display port adaptor
    I have found that running the windows 10 VM in a windows resolves the issue and the screen refreshes as it should. You can particularly notice the issue when do a download or file copy because the percentage does not update and the windows remains saying Copying ... but then when you click into the VM the screen refreshes and the file had actually finished copying ages ago. I have also been installing software on the VM and the screen will not refresh then I click into the VM and the screen refreshes and the software has installed and closed the installation window.

    Hopefully this can be fixed please.
  12. JasonS2

    JasonS2 Bit poster

    I'm having the same issue, in Full Screen mode. Switching to Coherence works, but that is not how I prefer to run my VM. Windows 10 Pro (With the November 2015 Update) and Parallels Desktop 11.1.0, OS X 10.11.1, and rMBP late 2013 with the Nvidia Geforce GT 750M
  13. AntonT1

    AntonT1 Bit poster

    I'm running PD 11.1.0 (32202) on OS X El Capitan 10.11.1. My Windows 7 VM is configured to use OS X full screen. I have a Mid 2014 15" retina MBP with
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M. I usually work with either one monitor connected with mini-displayport to DVI or 2 external screens directly connected using displayport. I'm not exactly sure when the problem started and therefore which exact update triggered it. It's quite annoying since I'm constantly mistaken that my VM is very slow or doing nothing while it actually just doesn't refresh.
  14. RikyT

    RikyT Bit poster

    Anyone got a fix for this? This is annoying.
  15. JasonS2

    JasonS2 Bit poster

    Parallels support had me delete the VM (kept the virtual hard drive so I did not lose data) and created a new VM and mapped the virtual hard drive to it. That resolved the issue for me.
  16. RikyT

    RikyT Bit poster

    I went and downloaded/installed the latest Parallels update (11.1.1-32312) and it resolved the issue.
  17. RikyT

    RikyT Bit poster

    i have spoken too soon. Even with the latest updates, the problem still persisted after two days. I took the suggestion from JasonS2 and delete the VM and create a new VM mapping to the existing virtual hard drive. The problem went away for a couple of days and came right now. Anymore suggestions from anyone?
  18. RikyT

    RikyT Bit poster

    Have you found a fix for the problem?
  19. ManojK@Parallels

    ManojK@Parallels Parallels Support

    To investigate the issue further, please submit a Problem Report and provide us with its ID number. Please follow this KB article to submit Problem Report:
    NOTE: Please submit a report while reproducing the issue and provide us with generated ID number in your reply.
  20. AlexandreL2

    AlexandreL2 Bit poster

    I found a way to reproduce...
    I have a full screen vm (using osx fullcreen) on a external (secondary) monitor running windows 10 and playing a video. Note that on the second monitor I can swap to/from windows 10 to second monitor of OSX.

    My secondary monitor is set to be on the left of the main monitor.

    On my main monitor, if some application window come near the left border (let say the size of a desktop icon) the video freeze, Note : bring application in OSX full screen on the main screen don't freeze the video.

    1) Clear the left border of main windows bring back the video playback.
    2) Swap from OSX and comeback to windows 10 on the second monitor bring back the video playback also.
    3) Click windows 10 screen bring back the video playback too.
    4) bring the primary monitor in full screen bring back the video playback

    It like when a windows is near to cross the border of both screen, the VM screen freeze (OSX pause the screen ?). Note the VM is not freeze cause I can access it with SSH or any server/client combo.

    My system is
    OSX 10.11.1
    Windows 10
    Parallel 11.1.2 (32408)

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