Parallels Desktop 11 doesn't support disks encrypted by Check Point software

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by FrancescoM1, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. FrancescoM1

    FrancescoM1 Bit poster

    I've got a virtual machine on which is installed Windows 8.1. Its disk is encrypted by Check Point software. It worked fine with Parallels Desktop up to 10 version. I moved to Parallels Desktop 11 by hoping in more performance, but I discovered I've thrown money away because I'm still forced to use Parallels Desktop 10.

    Another problem will be when OS X El Capitan will be released... for sure Parallels Desktop 11 will not run on it, so I'll be forced to move to VMware Fusion necessarily.
  2. Sergei.B43

    Sergei.B43 Bit poster


    Please try to change the virtual hard drive interface from SATA to IDE (go to Configure > Hardware > Hard Disk 1 > Advanced Settings and change Location).
    If it still does not work, further to your inquiry, please send a screenshot of the exact error message.
    In addition we'll need to check the problem report, please generate it right after replicating this problem using the steps from here and send us ID number.

    Thank you.
  3. bcrawfo2

    bcrawfo2 Bit poster

    Francesco...was your error message
    The virtual machine processor was reset by the operating system
    I ran into a similar problem yesterday. I had hoped to quiet my machine down by using some of the v11 features. My work VM (Checkpoint disk encryption) wouldn't boot after I installed the trial version of v11 (I didn't make the mistake you did...buying). I was mad with parallels because this wouldn't boot, I tried VMWare. I imported the VM and at the very end, VMware didn't like the image.
  4. FrancescoM1

    FrancescoM1 Bit poster

    didn't work :(

    Attached Files:

    OskarW likes this.
  5. FrancescoM1

    FrancescoM1 Bit poster

    Yes the error message is just that!
    Now I moved to VMvare Fusion 8 because I've already updated to El Capitan GM... There all works fine, but I preferred to use PD11 for some interesting features.
    By the way, in general the importing of an encrypted virtual machine doesn't work in both way (Parallels to VMware and viceversa)... I tried that sometime ago.
    OskarW likes this.
  6. Sergei.B43

    Sergei.B43 Bit poster

    Could you please send us problem report ( ) right after replicating this problem? At least we need "parallels.log" that located in virtual machine's "pvm" bundle (see screenshot attached)

    Attached Files:

  7. FrancescoM1

    FrancescoM1 Bit poster

    Attached the required log (parallels.log)... Yesterday I've sent you a problem report too, please refer to request Parallels #2166761... Please I need you fix this issue, unfortunately I must encrypt my VM for work :(

    Attached Files:

    OskarW likes this.
  8. FlorianM1

    FlorianM1 Bit poster

    I have the same problem. The check point encryption was working fine with 10.2.xx.
    Please fix this issue for Parallels 11! Thanks
    OskarW likes this.
  9. OskarW

    OskarW Bit poster

    I have the same issue.
    El Capitan 10.11.3
    Parallels 11.1.3
    Guest Os Windows 7 with Check point encryption.

    Switching to IDE disk doesn't help.
    Dowloaded a trial version of VMware Fusion, it worked like a charm, would be a shame to have to switch to vmware :(
    Best regards
  10. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi FrancescoM1, while Parallels Development Team is working on the permanent fix, please disable hybrid shutdown as a temporary workaround:
    1. Start Parallels Desktop.
    2. Launch virtual machine.
    3. Create a snapshot: from Mac menu bar choose Actions > Create snapshot.
    4. Press command button to bring Start menu and type cmd.
    5. You will see Command Prompt in suggestions, right-click on it and choose Run as Administrator.
    6. In Command Prompt type powercfg -h off and hit Enter/Return.
    7. Check the behavior.
  11. JasonC3

    JasonC3 Bit poster

    Can anyone provide confirmation that Parallels 11/12 will now work with Check Point? I want to migrate a Windows 7 installation which uses Check Point disk encryption into a Parallels VM on my El Capitan OSX.

    --jake coughlin
    [email protected]
  12. OskarW

    OskarW Bit poster

    The solution mention in post #10 is useless since the Check Point issue occurs in BIOS mode and blocks the machine from starting!

    I also would like to know if this is fixed in the new version before buying, im currently running VMware Fusion since Parallels havent fixed this in any release up to 11.2.1.

    Starting to lose all fate in this product, and considering migrating all machines to Fusion and dropping Parallels :/ Not fixing bugs of this magnitude in 1 years time blows my mind!
  13. JasonC3

    JasonC3 Bit poster

    Does VMware Fusion allow you to execute a Windows VM where the Windows disk is encrypted with Check Point? If so, I'll just go buy VMware.

    Is there any particular reason you were hoping to use Parallels over VMware?

    --jake coughlin
    [email protected]
  14. OskarW

    OskarW Bit poster

    Yes Fusion handels Check Point without any issues, Parallels used to handel it as well.
    In overall i like Parallels over Fusion and are running several environments in my Parallels 11. But you have a point...
  15. ph4wks

    ph4wks Junior Member

    I can sadly confirm that this is still present in V12!

    01-11 16:15:59.772 F /prl_client_app:7920:775/ localhost: received PET_DSP_EVT_VM_DEV_STATE_CHANGED. [CD/DVD 0: Connected, Image File]
    01-11 16:15:59.774 F /prl_client_app:7920:775/ localhost: received PET_DSP_EVT_VM_DEV_STATE_CHANGED. [Hard Disk 0: Connected, Image File]
    01-11 16:15:59.778 F /prl_client_app:7920:775/ localhost: received PET_DSP_EVT_VM_DEV_STATE_CHANGED. [Network 0: Connected, Shared Network]
    01-11 16:15:59.781 F /prl_client_app:7920:775/ localhost: received PET_DSP_EVT_VM_DEV_STATE_CHANGED. [Sound 0: Connected, AC'97 sound adapter]
    01-11 16:15:59.783 F /prl_client_app:7920:775/ localhost: received PET_DSP_EVT_VM_DEV_STATE_CHANGED. [USB 0: Connected, Installed]
    01-11 16:15:59.783 F /prl_client_app:7920:775/ localhost: received result for [DspCmdVmInitiateDevStateNotifications]. RC = [PRL_ERR_SUCCESS]
    01-11 16:15:59.813 F /prl_client_app:7920:775/ localhost: received event PET_VM_READY_TO_BOOT, code = [101200]
    01-11 16:15:59.813 F /prl_client_app:7920:775/ Vm with uuid {294a9751-af8e-4fb3-8a32-522fc36ef149} is ready to boot.
    01-11 16:16:02.181 F /prl_client_app:7920:775/ localhost: received event PET_DSP_EVT_VM_MESSAGE, code = [100502]
    01-11 16:16:02.181 F [MESSAGE_MNG] /prl_client_app:7920:775/ Failed to extract job from event. RC = 80000007
    01-11 16:16:02.181 W [MESSAGE_MNG] /PrlGui:7920:775/
    Message id: {5e6fc6d7-7e7c-461a-a1ba-d9513a038626}
    01-11 16:16:02.181 W /PrlGui:7920:775/
    Message data:
    >> Issuer id = {294a9751-af8e-4fb3-8a32-522fc36ef149}
    >> Type = Critical
    >> Short Message = "The virtual machine CSCGRBPHAWKSPAR was restarted."
    >> Long Message = "The virtual machine processor was reset by the operating system."
    >> Details = ""
    >> Spontanous = 1
    >> Can be hidden = 0
    >> Force show = 0
    >> Use active = 0
    >> Event handle = 92423
    >> Answers: [OK] [] []
    >> Default button number: 1
    >> Message hint: 0x0
    >> report generated message: 0
  16. ph4wks

    ph4wks Junior Member

  17. OskarW

    OskarW Bit poster

    Would love some progress on this issue, when its fixed in version 12 i will upgrade and stop using fusion. I have tried this on my old PD11 machine and it still failed.

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