Shared User Folders Not Local, possibly not even shared.

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by bobbyt, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    I couldn't figure out why I couldn't create a desktop slideshow in windows 10 using a folder in my pictures folder.

    Needless to say I finally figured out it will only let you set this up on a LOCAL folder.

    Problem is I enabled the option to share my Mac user folders with windows, so as best I can tell windows 10 thinks what is supposed to be my local pictures folder is not local. My only solution is to copy said folder to what physically IS my local pictures folder...

    This begs the question, if I go into my user folder and open a pictures folder and that folder isn't my Mac pictures folder, isn't THAT my local pictures folder as far as windows is concerned? If so what in the world is the checkbox under shared folders actually doing???
  2. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    I ended up going the long way around, which was kind of annoying...

    I created a folder for my desktops on OneDrive then created a symbolic link to its location in my pictures folder on the mac.
    I'm able to use the OneDrive folder as a slideshow on the windows 10 side...

    i would still prefer to be able to use its original location in my photos folder, but everything I've tried fails, windows simply doesn't like anything within my shared pictures folder on the mac side...
  3. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    hi, that's probably app limitation. check how it works with regular network share. if behavior is the same, well, nothing can be done
  4. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    Nothing can be done?

    How about accurately updating the feature description indicating enabling this feature may compromise functionality?
  5. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    I stumbled across this when researching:

    So there is little doubt its due to the folders being recognized as network folders and not local.

    The ideal solution would be some kind of setup that allowed shared folders to be recognized as being a local drive instead of a network share. I'm guessing this is probably an early indication of other issues that will arise due to shared user folders being network based instead of local...
  6. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  7. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    Hm, no way... Two operating system can't get a direct aceess tothe same files at the same time. Like you can't connect your mac hdd to 2 mac's at the same time. You should find application that can operate with the network locationns
  8. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    The application in question is the Windows 10 operating system, so 'finding an application that can operate with network locations' effectively means ditching windows 10 all together (which would eliminate the need for parallels desktop).

    As I posted above it's an issue with Windows 10, and assuming the first link is correct is specific to Windows 10 and in turn isn't a bug.

    If the second link I posted is correct there is a work around, but I haven't been able to try it yet (and I don't understand how the command line will fix the issue, but will post here if it does).
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  9. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    So as best I can tell entering:

    control /name Microsoft.Personalization /page pageWallpaper

    Into the command line brings up the Window 7/8 version of the desktop picture tool, which apparently will recognize the shared folders.

    So there is a work around in this instance...

    If locking network folders down from the Windows 10 side goes beyond this little desktop picture slideshow feature, however, this problem will likely crop up in other places more significant than this.

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