frustrated with constant upgrade purchase

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Hooman, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Hooman

    Hooman Bit poster

    I had to purchase an upgrade to Parallels for Mac version 10 less than 2 months ago and I am already being asked to upgrade to version 11 for another $50. The only people who get a free upgrade are ones who purchased it end of July! Time to switch to other alternatives!
    Brian&, Cyrilrbrd and ChrisT3 like this.
  2. ChrisT3

    ChrisT3 Member

    FYI, VMWare Fusion 8 just came out yesterday. They will give you the upgrade price ($49.99) as a Parallels user. VMWare Fusion 8 now includes DX10 support, you get a license to use on 3 computers, and you don't get the 8GB/4CPU limits.

    I was a long time Parallels proponent, but now I'm done and not looking back. I'd take a look.
  3. GeraldFi

    GeraldFi Junior Member

    Parallels did cut a lot of features with the upgrade to Parallels 11. No nested VM Support any longer, no way to configure its internal DHCP Server...

    Forget about Parallels and choose VMWare. I never thought about going back to Vmware Fusion, but I did.

    Shame on you Parallels. I am so terribly disappointed. Having an upgrade and loosing features.
    RobertF1, MarieC and MikeFulton like this.
  4. MikeFulton

    MikeFulton Junior Member

    Chris, is there a link you can post for this VMWare Fusion 8 competitive upgrade deal?
  5. ChrisT3

    ChrisT3 Member

    I put in my serial number and was able to buy and download immediately.

    Alas - I found out I actually have TWO Parallels 10 licenses.. Sigh. Wonder if they'll give me two upgrades for the same rate - but don't really need them, as VMWare covers me with the 3 MAC license.
    RobertF1, MikeFulton and GeraldFi like this.
  6. MikeFulton

    MikeFulton Junior Member

    Thanks Chris!
  7. NicolasC1

    NicolasC1 Bit poster

    Also the fact to have to switch to a yearly licence for supporting large VM is not acceptable.
    I had to buy 2 licences of parallel desktop (one desktop, on laptop).
    Upgrading to parallel desktop pro is a big cost for 2 machines...
    I just decided to switch to vmWare.
    One license for up to 3 machines, 40% if you have a parallel desktop license, and with less than 40USD I can have large VM on up to 3 macs...
    RobertF1 and MarieC like this.
  8. MarieC

    MarieC Junior Member

    At the cost of Pro Edition (once again I doubt 50 $ upgrade price offer for current customers will be maintain next year), Parallels should add second computer installation in the license agreement.
    RobertF1 likes this.
  9. ChrisT3

    ChrisT3 Member

    Well, for everyone's information - Andrew at Parallels removed the link - and accused me of advertising. FYI, I have ZERO affiliation with VMWare and have stated several times that I felt the product itself was inferior.

    Of course, Parallels doesn't have any way to defend their recent policies - so they'd rather just shut people up I guess. In line with recent insulting responses (like the one from Dishant telling me I shouldn't regard the new PD11 limitations as a "downgrade" because they should be "just fine" for me) they figure people can't just google for it.

    Keep it up guys! You're batting a thousand!
    RobertF1 likes this.
  10. MikeFulton

    MikeFulton Junior Member

    Everybody should post "IT'S A DOWNGRADE" comments on the Facebook feed ads that are constantly popping up. At least they do in my timeline, at least once or twice a day.
  11. GeraldFi

    GeraldFi Junior Member

    In fact it actually IS a downgrade. Nothing really important new, but missing a lot of features we had before.
    And: In the mails from parallels this was never mentioned. It seemed like a "normal" upgrade. But it´s not. So I requested my money back.
    If more people would do the same, Parallels has to rethink its strategy. On facebook it says "Parallels cares". The question is: what do they care about. For sure not for their customers.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  12. DamienM1

    DamienM1 Bit poster

    This new policy is just unacceptable. I'm sticking with PD10 for now and will probably move to Fusion later.
    RobertF1 likes this.
  13. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Dear all, we understand all of you concerns and share it with our management.
    We will let you know once we receive any update from them.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
  14. Brian&

    Brian& Bit poster

    I agree with the sentiment posted above...been a loyal Parallels user for years, but another $100. for 2 licenses for my 2 Macs less than a year after the last $$ upgrade is too much! Is Parallels implying that v. 11 is needed for a Windows 10 VM? If not, I will stay with v. 10. And thanks to the poster that indicated that VMware offers a 3 Mac license AND a competitive upgrade discount, I will be checking out VMware.
    RobertF1 and MarieC like this.
  15. MarieC

    MarieC Junior Member

    I alreay posted the following link several times in PD forum, you should find useful info regarding your question:

    For now and to my knowledge, no one from Parallels came to refute the article words.
    RobertF1 and Brian& like this.
  16. DamienM1

    DamienM1 Bit poster

    What is really annoying me is that Parallels keeps charging the same amount for a downgraded version. It seems clear that having an unlimited, all-time working copy of PD is considered to be a "feature" they want us to pay the price for. The now-basic version of PD should cost LESS money if it's LESS powerful.

    More and more software companies are choosing the rental model. Soon, there will be no choice left.
    RobertF1 likes this.
  17. DaveJ1

    DaveJ1 Bit poster

    I used Fusion for years, then switched to Parallels and felt it was better. But after constant upgrades (I always need 2 licenses), reading about how the regular version has been downgraded, and having to pay for another 2 licenses for the new subscription model just over a month after I bought Parallels 10, I am seriously considering going back to Fusion. Parallels is really making some bad management decisions and pissing off their clients.
    MarieC and RobertF1 like this.
  18. ArnoM

    ArnoM Bit poster

    After seven time upgrading I think I have payed enough. It would by nice to get a free upgrade.
  19. AlexanderJ2

    AlexanderJ2 Bit poster

    Forget it, I was also a Parallels user since version 3 or so and skipped maybe one or two versions.
    After Parallels 11 came out I bought the Pro version as I'm using linked clones, then I activated it on my iMac and later tried to activate it on my older rarely used
    MacBook Pro which didn't work anymore (it worked with previous versions even if the EULA says something else...).
    After that I asked if it would be possible to get another activation for free as longterm customer but the only answer was, that the EULA clearly says that
    it's not allowed to use the same license on another Mac/Computer again...
    I tried to explain that I don't use my MacBook Pro that much with Parallels and was not willing to buy a second license for it but looks like it's not in Parallels
    interest to hold customers so I got a refund and switched to VMWare Fusion 8 Pro (because of linked clones..) and I'm happy with it.
    As long as Parallels will not change the EULA regarding the usage of 1 license on multiple Macs at least if it's private usage (not business) I'll not come back anymore.
    RobertF1 likes this.
  20. skeedatl

    skeedatl Member

    Ditto. I have multiple machines and have been using every version of Parallels since version 5 (24 license purchases) but I am done. I am following the recommendation of others and switching to Fusion, which has been running great.

    These Parallels licensing restrictions and now, forced subscription model for businesses are stupid. No concurrent personal installs, fewer features, planned obsolescence...Autodesk might be able to get away with per seat subscriptions, but you guys can't.

    Notice to Parallels, it is cheaper to KEEP a customer than FIND a new one.
    MarieC and RobertF1 like this.

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