Windows 10 Cortana Grey Screen

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Chris Connor, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Chris Connor

    Chris Connor Bit poster

    So running Parallels Desktop 10 (10.2.2 29105) with Windows 10 (10240) and when in Coherence mode, click to bring up the Start Menu (or whatever it's now called) the screen goes grey. A little investigation and it appears that a Cortana app is loading and going full screen ... lovely.

    Screenshot of said problem - 2015-07-29 11.57.00.png?dl=0

    Any quick ideas please?
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

  3. Chris Connor

    Chris Connor Bit poster

  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    The issue is may be caused by one of these two drivers installed in your system :
    ATI PCI Express(3GIO) Filter Driver
    AMD PCI Express(3GIO) Filter Driver

    As a probable solution please perform the steps below:
    1. Please take a snapshot of the Virtual Machine before performing the instructions: in Mac menu bar go to Virtual machine > Take a snaps
    2. Go to Device Manager (to access Device Manager, go to Control Panel > System and Maintenance > System > Device Manager)
    3. Expand "System Devices"
    4. Find the corresponding driver, (in our example - "ATI PCI Express(3GIO) Filter Driver"), right-click on it and select "Uninstall".
    5. Tick "Delete the driver software for this device" (IMPORTANT)
    6. Reboot
    7. Check and make sure that the driver has been deleted.
    8. Reinstall Parallels Tools and check the issue.
  5. Chris Connor

    Chris Connor Bit poster

    This VM has only ever been a VM running on Parallels on this mac, so ATI or AMD drivers on it would be very interesting. Did look but can't find anything sorry.

    However I've just logged this as a fault via the Report a Problem menu in Parallels so you now have the full machine spec (I believe), fault ref 70623704.
  6. EricE1

    EricE1 Bit poster

    I can confirm the same issue here, on a clean install of Windows 10 with only the Parallels Display Adapter showing in Control Panel.
  7. rtruhlar

    rtruhlar Bit poster

    I have similar problem with Cortana/SearchUI.exe in Coherence mode and also Host Process for Windows Tasks, please see enclosed video:

    When I open start menu it makes new space in OSX with SearchUI.exe or taskhostw.exe.

    Tried above mentioned solution - didn't work. Tried to reinstall Parallels Tools - didn't work.
    Used with latest version of Parallels 10.2.2 (29105).
    Windows 10 installed/upgraded from Windows 7.
  8. Ryan5

    Ryan5 Bit poster

    I'm having the same issue, and I also updated to Windows 10 from a clean install of Windows 7. I'm not sure the problem is exclusive to Cortana. I'm also getting the full-screen grey background when using Edge or any of the "new UI" apps. With classic apps like Internet Explorer 11, I'm not getting the grey screen.

    I've reinstalled Parallels Tools and tried all the other solutions mentioned above.

    Edit: I also submitted a report, problem ID 70645394.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2015
  9. DaveCazz

    DaveCazz Junior Member

    Running into this same issue, but not just for the start menu, but for almost every app. it's a dice roll wether I can get it to work in coherence properly or wether it tries to function in a separate mac desktop with a gray background screen.

    I am on latest versions of both windows 10 and parallels 10.
    Ryan5 likes this.
  10. Chris Connor

    Chris Connor Bit poster

    I expect there's a patch / updated Parallels on the way. Hope it's not long and they get it tested nicely to fix all this crap.
    NeilL1 likes this.
  11. Chris Connor

    Chris Connor Bit poster

    Arrr man, this is really starting to do my head in. Come on with the update please and make my life easier.
  12. ThiagoB1

    ThiagoB1 Bit poster

    Hi All,

    Same problem here. It is really annoying because the most nicely feature of Parallets, Coherence mode, isn't working! Parallels support Team, please, could you help?

    Attached Files:

  13. GeoffC1

    GeoffC1 Bit poster

    Exact same problem. Just purchased a new copy of Parallels and Windows 10 and I'm having these very issues.
  14. Dhruba@Parallels


    Hi All,
    Thank you for reporting the issue, our developers are already aware of this issue and they are working on this. Please subscribe to our newsletters for the update. Refer,
  15. RafaelM2

    RafaelM2 Bit poster

    Just upgraded my test machine with parallels VM to Windows 10 and boom. Rather unusable.
    Hope the coming fix is fast tracked. Can't afford to upgrade the work set-up we have.

  16. MichaelB4

    MichaelB4 Bit poster

    Same issue here. The first time I'm using Parallels and thought I'm the issue.
  17. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi Michael,
    Thank you for reporting the issue, our developers are already aware of this issue and they are working on this. Please subscribe to our newsletters for the update. Refer,
  18. DanielleA

    DanielleA Bit poster

    I am also having the same problem as OP and some others with full grey screen from Cortana app and Windows Shell Experience Host loading with Parallels Desktop 10 and newly installed Windows 10 when switching into Coherence mode. Also submitted a issue report. Ref. ID is: 71913647.
  19. RichH1

    RichH1 Bit poster

    It's been 21 days since this issue was reported. When is it going to be resolved. Why do we have to wait so long for support? Why did Parallels resolve this issue during with Win10 Beta period? I've used coherence mode daily for years - now its broken and there is just silence from Parallels.
  20. MichaelB4

    MichaelB4 Bit poster

    They are probably working on Parallels 11... :(

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