Windows 10 Technical Preview

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Todivefor, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Todivefor

    Todivefor Member

    Will this run on Parallels Desktop 9?
  2. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi Peter, Windows 10 technical preview is not officially compatible with Parallels Desktop 9. The full list of supported guest OS is available at Desktop User's Guide/33321.htm
    However I have just tested it in the labs and it seems to work fine. To install Windows 10 technical preview on Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac, Please follow the steps suggested below to install it.
    1. Download Windows 10 from :
    2. Follow the steps suggested at to initiate the installation.
    3. On the step 3, click locate manually.
    4. Choose Image file and drag and drop the Windows 10 .iso and click continue,
    5. Parallels wizard will prompt us to choose the OS,
    6. Choose Other Windows > Other Windows OS.
    7. On the next screen choose "Customize settings before installation" > Click continue.
    8. Now Choose RAM 2 GB close the dialog box and click continue to install Windows and follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
  3. Todivefor

    Todivefor Member

    I have tried this several times and it does not work. First your first link Desktop user guide, is not correct, 404.

    Following the instructions, I get to where I am signing into my Microsoft account. It then loops.

    Macbook Pro 2012, 16gb, Yosemite 10.10.3, PD 9 Build 9.0.24251.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

  5. Todivefor

    Todivefor Member

    That link works. I see that Windows 10 is not on the list. Does that mean it will not work?
  6. SubramanianH

    SubramanianH Bit poster

    Is Parallels 9 not supported anymore ? I am trying to get Windows 10 and Ubuntu 15.05 run and both are not supported ... If so , Why are you still selling 9 ? :(
  7. SubramanianH

    SubramanianH Bit poster

    I was able to get past the account signin page. Create a new account buy using skip login and this will let you in to the desktop. From there add account settings to enable your Microsoft account.

    I have still not figured out parallel tools..
  8. Todivefor

    Todivefor Member

    Got past account signin as you suggested. No Parallels tools install in virtual machine menu. Did it manually here:

    Currently running.

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