Parallels 10 using max CPU almost instantly when trying to use a VM

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by BillE1, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. BillE1

    BillE1 Bit poster

    I'm using Parallels 10.2.0 on OS X 10.2 (Yosemite). This is my first time trying Parallels. I've installed a fresh Windows 8.1 VM and a Linux VM, and when I launch either, they start out working pretty normally, but after a few minutes both wil quickly start hogging 100%+ of my CPU (and correspondingly my fans start running wild and the machine gets very hot). I'm on a mid 2012 13 inch Macbook Air with a 2.0 Ghz core i7, 8 GB RAM, and an SSD. I'm not doing any file I/O or running any computationally heavy processes, yet any time I try to use a Parallels VM this happens.

    I've tried these instructions:,, and, without any impact on performance. When I followed the third link, none of the drivers had any kind of high interruption numbers.

    I've tried allocating more RAM to the VM (going from 4GB to 6GB) and switching to allocating only one CPU core to the VM, neither of which helped either.

    Ultimately, the thing I'd most like to do with Parallels is to run Visual Studio on Windows, but obviously I can't do so in an acceptable manner under these conditions. I don't know if my machine has the resources for that, but it seems like I should have more than enough computing power to at least be able to reliably run VMs and do basic tasks, so it seems like something is wrong. Also the fact that Parallels still hogs a ton of CPU when running a lightweight linux install raises my suspicions further.

    Any ideas?
  2. RamyaS

    RamyaS Product Expert

    Hello BillE1,
    Please generate a Problem Report Id using the Knowledge Base article and provide us the Problem Report Id so that we can help you better.

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