Installed on Yosemite macbook air on user1 and now user2 cannot access it

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by philooi, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. philooi

    philooi Bit poster

    What can I do. I followed a youtube video of how to make the 2nd logged in user access but she is unable to go to the users>shared>windows8.pvm

    I set the permissions for all to read and write after I had moved the pvm from parallels to users>shared

    Suggestions? Or should I install another windows 8 installation on it on a new virtual machine?
  2. RamyaS

    RamyaS Product Expert

  3. philooi

    philooi Bit poster

    I did that and also removed the Parallel Audio Drivers and Reinstalled the parallel tools again but it did not work. Strangely when I close the Virtual Machine and go back to the Mac sound is fine on the Mac portion but on the VM it has no sound. It was working just a few days ago like totally fine. Now it stopped.
  4. Dhruba@Parallels


    Last edited: May 8, 2015

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