disabled windows drive icon on desktop suddenly showing up

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DaveCazz, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. DaveCazz

    DaveCazz Junior Member

    Not sure if this has to do with Yosemite or a recent update to parallels 10 but I am seeing my windows drive icon on my desktop when all those mounted disk icons are disabled in finder.

    I really like to have a clean desktop with no icons or clutter and it bums me out every time I remove the drive icon only for it to show up again within a day or so.
  2. Michael McGovern

    Michael McGovern Bit poster

    Chiming in to say I am experiencing the same thing. Would like those drive icons to disappear too.
  3. Michael McGovern

    Michael McGovern Bit poster

    I found it. Configure the VM. Under Options >> Sharing uncheck "Shortcuts to virtual disks on Mac desktop".
  4. DaveCazz

    DaveCazz Junior Member

    thanks, I thought I checked there already but just checked again and it was checked
  5. Nick_Zahorcak

    Nick_Zahorcak Bit poster

    I have the same problem. I tried unchecking the "Shortcuts to virtual disks on Mac desktop" box and restarting the VM, ejecting the volumes and restarting the VM, they still keep coming back. Annoying.
  6. Don_Wise

    Don_Wise Bit poster

    You'll need to click the lock at the bottom to save the changes; this too annoyed me and I needed to uncheck the Shortcuts to virtual disk on Mac Desktop box, but also need to click the lock to save changes then restart - should stick after that.
  7. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    Related to this (I think) - the Windows start menu icon appears in the bottom right hand corner of my Mac desktop. This usually happens when restarting the virtual machine. It is slightly obscured by my dock. When I click on it the windows start menu appears and the icon disappears. It will not show again until I restart the virtual machine. I am assuming this is a bug as I can't find a way to disable windows start menu icon?
  8. RamyaS

    RamyaS Product Expert

    Hello simonmason,
    Please let us know the view mode you have for Windows , Coherence or Window or Fullscreen mode.
    Also please attach a screenshot with the Windows start menu you mentioned, so we can check it for you and help you further.
  9. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    It is happening in coherence mode - here is a screen shot. Thanks

    Attached Files:

  10. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hello Simonsonmason,
    *Please update Parallels Desktop to the latest build.
    *This is a new behavior of Windows taskbar in Coherence in Parallels Desktop.
    Such changes were made to make Coherence view mode even more optimized for working with full screen apps, especially in Windows 8 and 8.1. It also makes Parallels Desktop fully compatible with new Mac OS X.
    * Please refer to the link for assistance: http://kb.parallels.com/117062
    Please feel free to reply for further assistance. We will be happy to help you.
  11. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    I have Show Windows Taskbar turned off in the menu yet the icon still shows in the bottom right - only when I restart Parallels. If I click on the windows icon the windows start menu appears and the icon disappears and doesnt show again. I think this is a bug - although not really that much of an issue.
  12. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hello Simon,
    Please generate a Problem Report Id using the Knowledge Base article http://kb.parallels.com/9058 and provide us the Problem Report Id so that we can help you better.

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