The boot argument also solved the issue for me.
I'd just like to add you should run "nvram -p" in the terminal first and look for any existing boot arguments you are using.
For example, I was already using "kext-dev-mode=1" (because I'm adding TRIM support for a non apple ssd and have a modified unsigned kext)
In my case I needed to run this command "sudo nvram boot-args="debug=0xd4e kext-dev-mode=1"
if your computer needs "mbasd=1" then you would add that to any additional boot arguments.
For example:
sudo nvram boot-args="debug=0xd4e mbasd=1 kext-dev-mode=1"
(typically you will not need/want kext-dev-mode=1)
In regards to this I hope to receive an email when this has been properly solved as I would like to remove the extra boot argument. It just feels like a hackintosh to me

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