Keep OS X & Windows separate?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by doug1, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. doug1

    doug1 Bit poster

    Hi. I have just installed Parallels 10.2.0 on my iMac (late 2012) running OS X 10.10.2. My Windows is 7 64 bit. I notice my Mac stuff is all in the Windows OS I want to have the two OS's completely independant from each other. How can I configure so I have my OS X running normally and Windows available in a separate space with none of my Mac files or Apps on it? Thanks for any help here.
  2. RamyaS

    RamyaS Product Expert

    Hello doug1,
    When a virtual machine is isolated from Mac OS, folders, profiles, applications and external drives are not shared between two operating systems. In general, it becomes impossible to copy a file from one operating system to another.
    Isolating a virtual machine provides the highest level of security by not allowing possibly compromised items from one operating system to come into contact with the other.
    Please refer the KB article to isolate a virtual machine from Mac.
    Also refer the settings suggested at Desktop User's Guide/32922.htm for more details.
  3. doug1

    doug1 Bit poster

    Thank you for the reply. Yes that is what I want. Very simple. No interaction between the two OS's No file sharing required or desired. I will look at the articles you suggest. Seems to be what I'm after.

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